50% Jefferson County residents fully vaccinated against COVID, 40% ages 12-15

Editor’s note: The following information has been released by the Jefferson County Health Department. 

Jefferson County Health Department (JCHD) is proud to announce 50% of all Jefferson County residents are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of this week. Consistent with national and state demographics, older populations in Jefferson County have a higher degree of vaccine coverage compared to younger populations, with vaccine series completion rates approximately 77% for all residents age 65 or more, 65% for ages 55-64, 55% for ages 35-54, 45% for ages 25-34, 40% for ages 18-24, 43% for ages 16 and 17, and 40% for ages 12-15. Vaccination rates vary by municipalities within Jefferson County. JCHD encourages all residents to learn about the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccination and empower themselves with reliable and factual information to make the best decision for their own health, and that of their families, colleagues, and community. 

Almost 7 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered globally, with more than 400 million doses administered in the United States. Data from both clinical research and real-world studies shows that vaccination against COVID-19 is safe and effective. JCHD welcomes inquiries from community to provide factual and reliable resources regarding COVID-19 vaccines at vaccine@jeffersoncountywi.gov. 

COVID-19 vaccines continue to be remarkably effective in reducing risk of severe disease, hospitalization, and death, including against the delta variant. CDC data show that in August 2021, the risk of dying from COVID-19 in the U.S. was more than 11 times greater for unvaccinated people than for fully vaccinated people. Studies show that after getting vaccinated against COVID-19, protection against the virus may decrease over time. This has led to the recommendation for booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine for those who received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, and for those at higher risk of exposure and transmission who received the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. Find more detail on the JCHD webpage or COVID-19 Dashboard. 

Jefferson County Health Department anticipates children aged 5-11 will be eligible for COVID-19 vaccination in early November. Contingent upon approval from the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, their associated and relevant independent advisory committees (Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), Advisory Council on Immunization Practices (ACIP)), and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), having your child vaccinated early on may allow them to be fully vaccinated by the end of the year. Please contact your child’s health care provider to learn more about the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccination for your child. 

Jefferson County Health Department will be administering COVID-19 vaccine at the health department Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only. Appointments can be made by calling the health department at 920-674-7275. Please visit the JCHD COVID-19 Dashboard, website, and our social media for more information. At this time, JCHD will only administer Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine due to ordering and storage constraints, and to reduce waste. 

To find a COVID-19 vaccination site, visit www.vaccines.gov, text your zip code to 438829, or call 211. You can also call 844-684-1064 or 800-232-0233. 

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