Community, County, School

Disinformation and its impact on collective thought presented as lecture topic

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Tommy G. Thompson Center on Public Leadership and UW-Whitewater are co-sponsoring a virtual lecture at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 30.Siva Vaidhyanathan will present "Cacophony: How Disinformation, Distraction and the Heckler’s Veto Undermine Collective Thought.”This virtual lecture is free and open to public. Visit for details on how...

County, School

UW-Whitewater provost finalists named

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Chancellor Dwight Watson has announced five finalists for the position of provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs.A 11-member search-and-screen committee, co-chaired by Frank Goza, dean of the College of Letters and Sciences, and Artanya Wesley, vice chancellor for student affairs, recommended the slate of finalists to...