By Kim McDarison The Fort Atkinson City Council on Tuesday, Feb. 2, approved a bid for sealcoating a portion of the Glacial River Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail and four tennis courts in Rock River Park. Midwest Sealcoat LLC, Dodgeville, will perform sealcoating work on approximately 2.2 miles of trail...
Category: Government
2020 UW-Whitewater graduate fatally shot in Milwaukee
A man who was fatally shot in Milwaukee on Saturday was a 2020 graduate of University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Purcell Pearson, 22, graduated from the university in May. Several area news agencies, including ABC affiliate WKOW-TV, Madison, reported that Pearson was seen on surveillance video holding onto the side of a...
City eyes borrowing for dump truck, road repairs
By Kim McDarison The Fort Atkinson City Council on Tuesday, Feb. 2, gave approval to city staff to solicit terms for a loan, monies from which could be used to help pay for the purchase of a dump truck and perform street repairs. In April, the city accepted the terms of a...
Vruwink receives Wisconsin Dairy Business Association award
State Rep. Don Vruwink, D-Milton, recently received the Legislative Excellence Award from the Wisconsin Dairy Business Association.The award recognizes legislators for ongoing support for farmers, processors and the broader dairy community.“As a member of the Dairy Task Force, I got to know dairy farmers around the state, and I know...
Wards combined for April election
By Kim McDarison The Fort Atkinson City Council Tuesday voted in favor of combining the city’s 10 wards in advance of the April 6 General Election. City Clerk Michelle Ebbert noted that the process of combining wards was similar to the process undertaken last month when council approved combining wards for...
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