A dedication of a new barn quilt placed on the wall of the Fort Atkinson Senior Center was held Oct. 5.
On hand to dedicate the barn quilt was Chris Nye, director of the Fort Atkinson Senior Center, Donna Abel, a member of the Fort Atkinson Senior Center Board of Directors, Jude Hartwick, president of the city’s Beautification Council and Tawney Hadler, a Fort Atkinson High School Student and the artist who made the barn quilt.
The quilt was commissioned by the Beautification Council and donated for placement on the senior center building to help promote the senior center’s quilting classes and as a piece of public art, Hartwick said.
Hartwick said the project came together after Hadler, whom, he said, was very interested in art, approached the School District of Fort Atkinson, looking for places to display her art. The Beautification Council has been collaborating with the school district to help facilitate that idea, Hartwick said.
When Hadler met with the school district, Hartwick said, there were some issues with timing, so the project was placed on hold. In the meantime, he said, the Beautification Council and the city’s Parks and Recreation Department, which oversees the senior center, were in agreement that the senior center would lend itself as a nice facility to receive the art.
The barn quilt project remains ongoing, Hartwick said. The Beautification Council is considering other sites in the city to receive barn quilts, including the public library, Hoard Historical Museum, and other city-owned buildings, he added.
The mission of the city’s Beautification Council, according to information supplied by Hartwick, is to improve and beautify the community of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. To survey, study, plan, report, recommend, guide and conduct activities relating to the physical improvement and beauty of Fort Atkinson and its environs. The organization is dedicated exclusively to charitable and educational purposes … and no substantial part of its activities will attempt to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.
For more information about the artist, visit Hadler’s website: https://coldspringcustombarnquilts.com.
Chris Nye, Fort Atkinson Senior Center director, Donna Abel, a member of the Fort Atkinson Senior Center Board of Directors, Tawney Hadler, a Fort Atkinson High School student and an artist commissioned by the Fort Atkinson Beautification Council to create a barn quilt as public art, and Jude Hartwick Beautification Council president, gather outside of the Fort Atkinson Senior Center for the dedication of the barn quilt. The dedication took place Oct. 5.
Chris Nye, Fort Atkinson Senior Center director, Donna Abel, a member of the Fort Atkinson Senior Center Board of Directors, Tawney Hadler, a Fort Atkinson High School student and an artist commissioned by the Fort Atkinson Beautification Council to create a barn quilt as public art pose with the newly installed barn quilt. The Beautification Council is planning to commission similar public art works in the near future, according to the council’s president Jude Hartwick.
Contributed photos.
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