Fort High School seniors receive more than $1 million is scholarships 

Assembled before an audience filled with family, friends, school district officials, and award presenters, some 66 students collectively received $1,162,088 in scholarship money.

During Wednesday’s Fort Atkinson High School Senior Scholarship Ceremony, some 79 different scholarships were awarded to the students.

On stage in the Fort Atkinson High School Performing Arts Center, presenters spoke about the attributes required to receive their distinguished awards, and then called upon the student recipients to join them at the podium and receive their scholarships.

The nearly two-hour ceremony was filled with excitement, joy — as individuals both gave and received — and, in some cases, tears, as memories of loved ones in whose name the memorializing gift was bestowed, were shared.

Following the ceremony, a reception, complete with desserts provided by the Fort Atkinson Community Foundation, was held in the high school’s commons area.

An album, featuring over 100 photos, offering highlights from Wednesday evening’s ceremony, can be viewed by clicking on the image below.

An album, featuring senior photos supplied by the school district, and a presentation of awards received by each student, can be viewed by clicking on the image below. 

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