Fort Optimist Club presents Youth Appreciation Awards

Members of the Fort Atkinson Optimist Club recently presented Youth Appreciation Awards to six Fort Atkinson High School students.  

Fort Atkinson High School teachers and staff choose the award winners based on those who best exemplify the optimist creed. Its three main standards are: to think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best; to be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own; and to give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.  

Underclassmen receiving awards were presented with chamber gift certificates and seniors each received a $250 scholarship. 

Recipients representing the sophomore class include: 

• Eleanor Kohl, daughter of Shalon Cox and Joel Kohl. Eleanor is involved in girls basketball, softball, F-Club, and band. She has volunteered for the Lady Blackhawks Youth Basketball and Fort Atkinson Food Pantry.  

• Nathan Hartwig, son of Heather and Steve Hartwig. Nathan is active in baseball, basketball, football, cross country, and FFA. He enjoys his community activity at Trinity Lutheran Church participating in the LIFT youth group.   

Recipients representing the junior class include:

• Karlie Blanchar, daughter of RyAnn Bixler and Mitch Blanchar. Karlie’s school activities include Big Buddy Program, Film Analysis Club, Link Crew, and National Honors Society. She enjoys volunteering in the community, helping with such programs as the holiday parades, fundraising for Fort Atkinson High School dances and working at the summer reading programs.

• Anton Saucedo, son of Jennifer and Arthur Saucedo. Anton is very involved in the Fort Atkinson High School Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ambassadors, earning first-chair positions in both music bands, show choir, and National Honor Society. His community activities include Boy Scouts of America, working towards being an Eagle Scout, and working on classes and community service to become confirmed in his church.

Recipients representing the senior class include: 

• Riley Rogers, daughter of Tara Rogers. Riley’s involved in many school clubs, including: Yearbook, Math Club, and Spanish Club. Her community activities include involvement with the food pantry local and other community events. Her future plans include attending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, where she plans to earn to a bachelor’s degree in accounting. 

• Cory Pfeifer, son of Sherry and Gregg Pfeifer. Cory’s school activities include Student Senate (co-president of class), F-Club, president of NHS, social media manager of Volleyball, Cross-Country Captain, Track & Field, and FBLA. In the community, Cory has experienced many opportunities, including serving as the president of Venture Crew, senior officer of LIFT church group, lifeguard at Fort Atkinson High School and the aquatic center, and youth baseball coach. Cory plans to attend UW-River Falls to study data science and graphic design and run cross-country and track.

Fort Atkinson Optimist Club Youth Appreciation Award recipients include: first row, from left, sophomores Nathan Hartwig and Eleanor Kohl; second row, from left, juniors Anton Saucedo and Karlie Blanchar; third row, from left, seniors Riley Rogers and Cory Pfeiffer. Top row, from left, Optimist Club members Sherry McKee, Diane Rue and Rochelle Mitchell. 

Photo submitted. 

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One Comment

  1. Mona

    Congrats to our granddaughter. Elly! We are so proud of you! ❤️ And congrats to all the other recipients!

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