Hartwick: ‘I didn’t agree with this one,’ but have ‘utmost faith in our officers’

Dear editor,

On Tuesday, our city council voted to approve an ordinance prohibiting open containers of alcohol on streets, sidewalks and right-of-ways. The motion passed by a vote of 3-2.

I was one of those “no” votes, and I’d like to explain to our residents why I did not support it.

When this ordinance was previously brought before us, our council made the decision to table it, as it was deemed too broad and we felt adding more stipulations to it would help better address issues related to public intoxication, while also not negatively impacting those who utilize the privilege appropriately. I also openly shared that update with our community after that decision was made.

Unfortunately the ordinance was brought back without any added stipulations that would allow for those not abusing the privilege to still enjoy a beverage on a walk, down by the river, etc. For that reason, and even though we are one of very few communities that still allowed this, I did not feel I could support approving the change.

I debated on this very heavily, had many conversations about it – including those with local establishment owners, city leaders, and a few Fort police officers, and ultimately I did not feel that I could support it as written, nor do I feel it will adequately deter the negative behaviors of those who are causing problems.

It is NOT a reflection of whether or not I support our Fort PD. And I have the utmost faith that our officers will apply discretion as necessary and enforce the ordinance change as it relates to protecting public safety.

I appreciate that our council agrees on many (most) things related to our city. But I also do not necessarily think it is a bad thing when there are disagreements and split votes. It means we are bringing our differing viewpoints to the conversation, sticking up for our community as we feel is needed, and ensuring adequate conversation and debate is had on issues.

I didn’t agree with this one, but I do support our process, our officers, and our city.

 Please feel free to (Facebook) message me with any questions or email me at mhartwick@fortatkinsonwi.net.

Fort Atkinson City Councilwoman Megan Hartwick 

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  1. Kelly Bostwick

    Just another right taken away. I have not seen an abuse in the community. I hope and pray people see whats going on!

  2. Dani Sherman

    Well said, Megan! I always appreciate your attention to detail and ability, nuanced approach, and transparency.

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