Heart of the City sponsors third annual ‘No Mow May’

Heart of the City, a Fort Atkinson-based, nonprofit community group, has announced that it will be sponsoring its annual pollinator support program called “No Mow May.” 

In its third year, the program encourages residents in Fort Atkinson to refrain from mowing  their backyards during the month of May. 

According to information released by the group, the purpose of the No Mow May program is to increase the populations of a variety of pollinators and to build healthier lawns and soil in an effort to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

As stated in the release: “Historically, most of us have been taught that May is the season to clean up our backyards, get rid of leaf and lawn litter, till the soil and cut our grass short, and rake (and) haul it away. We are now learning how destructive that is to the pollinators that give us the flowers and vegetables that we all love and admire later in the growing season.” 

Through the No Mow May initiative, the group noted, it is encouraging people to rethink that process, which, the release states, “results in better health outcomes” for lawns and the Earth as a whole. 

The Heart of the City group, within its release, further suggests that those who are new to the No Mow May concept might consider participating incrementally, perhaps, the release suggests, by mowing grass less frequently throughout the month of May. The group further suggests resident might leave a small area of the lawn to grow more naturally, without mowing. 

As stated in the release, allowing the lawn to grow taller offers food and shelter to beneficial insects, including those which pollinate flowers and other plants, which, in turn, feed the soil. 

“Pollinators can also help attract birds and other wildlife that are beautiful and fun to watch,” the release noted. 

Additionally, the group encourages residents to cultivate native plants in their gardens.  

Heart of the City this year will be providing native plugs, or seedlings, and seed packets at its booth at the Fort Farmers Market, the release stated. 

The booth will be available Saturdays, May 6 and May 13, between 8 a.m. and noon. 

The offered materials are free, but the group gladly accept donations, the release continued.  

Those interested in signing up to participate this year in No Mow May, and obtaining a yard sign signifying their participation in the program, may do so through email: nomowmay@gmail.com and through the group’s website: https://heartofthecity.us/no-mow-may-initiative.

Carl Holtz, at left, cuddles a bee toy while his mother, Danielle, Fort Atkinson, signs up for “No Mow May.” A booth, manned last year by volunteers in “bee outfits” was available during the Fort Atkinson Farmers Market. This year, Heart of the City is sponsoring its third annual “No Mow May” to give a boost to spring pollinators, such as bees, butterflies and other insects. File photo/Chris Spangler. 

To learn more about No Mow May, view the above 2021 edition of “What’s up? With Michael Clish.” 

In this edition, Michael interviews two members of the community-based, nonprofit group Heart of the City, Frankie Fuller and Barbara Brouwer, to learn about a pollinator-friendly program facilitated by the group. The program encourages residents of Fort Atkinson to reduce mowing and grow the grass in their backyards, allowing it to exceed the 8-inch limit set by city ordinance. The city has suspended its ordinance as it pertains to backyards only for the month of May. The activity is meant to help pollinators get a healthy start during this upcoming warm-weather, growing season.

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