The “American Patriotic Pops,” Fort Atkinson Community Band concert recently performed before an audience of abut 100 people in Fort Atkinson’s Barrie Park. The program, held July 5, included a potpourri of patriotic songs, selections by American composers and a poem titled “Bullets & Bravery,” written by Fort Atkinson’s “Radio Ron” Stelse. The complete concert program included: “Star-Spangled Banner,” “Salute to Freedom/Bullets & Bravery,” “An American Spectacular,” “Broadway Tribute,” “Memories of Steven Foster,” “Navy Hymn,” “Lady of Spain,” “Penny Whistle Jig,” “School Room Dixie,” “Irving Berlin Songs of America” and “Sounds of Sousa.”
The following video includes some highlights from the evening’s performance.
The Fort Atkinson Community Band’s other summer concert dates include July 19, Aug. 2, Aug. 16 and Aug. 23.
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