Hydrant flushing in Fort to begin Friday, April 14

Water hydrant flushing will be conducted throughout the city of Fort Atkinson beginning Friday, April 14. 

Flushing is performed as part of routine maintenance and to maintain the integrity of the water system, information provided by the city states.

While parts of the city will undergo flushing at separate times, all areas within the city may be affected during flushing.

According to information released by city officials, flushing will take place within the city’s south side industrial area Friday, April 14, beginning at 7 p.m. 

Flushing will begin within the city on the south side of the Rock River on Monday, April 17, and run through Thursday, April 20, beginning at 7 a.m. 

Flushing will begin within the city on the north side of the Rock River on Wednesday, April 19, and run through Friday, April 21, beginning at 7 a.m. Flushing on the city’s north side will continue on Monday, April 24, and run through Friday, April 28, beginning at 7 a.m. 

In addition, the release stated, directional hydrant flushing is slated to be performed between Thursday, April 27, and Friday, April 28, beginning at 7 a.m. 

Additional hydrant flushing may be performed based on the water quality once all hydrants have been maintained, the release noted. 

According to the release: “Wherever hydrant flushing occurs, there may be a slight discoloration of water that flows from the faucet. If this appears, a simple running of cold water for three to five minutes should be sufficient to return water flow to its normal state. The temporary discoloration only impacts the appearance of water and does not pose a health or safety risk. To avoid discoloring of white laundry, it is suggested to wait until cold tap water runs clear before washing such items.”

Additional information provided by city officials noted that there are 590 fire hydrants located throughout the city that provide fire protection to homes and businesses. Keeping each one in proper working order calls for regular maintenance. Each spring and fall the Water Utility performs a preventative action known as hydrant flushing, which verifies the network has adequate water flow to perform its essential duties. It also serves a secondary purpose of removing sediment that naturally accumulates in water pipes. 

From the release and according to Fort Atkinson Water Utility Superintendent Jeff Armstrong: “How long we run the hydrants themselves depends on their sediment buildup. Some go for three minutes, others for 30, and we stop when the water flows clear.” 

“Flushing it out of the system helps uphold the high water standard,” the information stated.  

City officials ask that residents and visitors drive carefully around the water technicians while they flush the hydrants.

The Annual Water Quality Report can be found on the city’s website: www.fortatkinsonwi.gov. Those with questions may contact the city’s water utility by phone: 920-397-9902 or email: jarmstrong@fortatkinsonwi.gov. 

A fire hydrant, one of 590 in the city of Fort Atkinson, will be among units flushed as a citywide annual spring maintenance measure beginning Friday, April 14. File photo/Kim McDarison. 

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