Correction: Jaime Steffen is running against incumbent Matthew Foelker in Jefferson County Supervisor District 25. Foelker is not running unopposed as earlier reported. The district includes wards in Whitewater and Koshkonong. Fort Atkinson Online/WhitewaterWise regrets the error.
On Tuesday, April 2, seats held by all elected members to the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors will come due for reelection.
City of Fort Atkinson
Within the city of Fort Atkinson, residents living within wards 1-13 are included within Jefferson County Board of Supervisors districts.
According to the Jefferson County website, there is a race in Jefferson County Board of Supervisor District 29 between incumbent Mary Roberts and challenger Wyatt Cooper. The same two candidates vied for the seat in 2022, with then-incumbent Roberts retaining her seat.
In 2022, unofficial tallies reported to the county clerk’s office on election night showed 270 ballots cast in support of Roberts and 135 votes received by then-challenger Cooper.
Each of the candidates this year have submitted a candidates questionnaire, answers to which are found here:
Additionally, according to Jefferson County Clerk Audrey McGraw, while the website lists a “vacant” ballot within District 26, Fort Atkinson resident John Donohue has registered with the county as a write-in candidate.
Donohue, upon our request and found below, recently submitted answers to a candidates questionnaire.
The open seat’s incumbent, Joan Fitzgerald, is running in April for a seat in State Assembly District 46, which includes Fort Atkinson. Information about the newly formed Assembly district is here:
City of Fort Atkinson voters living within each of the remaining Jefferson County Supervisor districts will find the name of the incumbent candidate on the April ballot.
Within the city of Fort Atkinson, residents living within wards 1-13 are included within the following Jefferson County Board of Supervisors districts:
District 26
City of Fort Atkinson, Wards 1 and 2
Listed on the county’s website as “vacant,” a write-in candidate, Fort Atkinson resident John Donohue, has registered with the county to run for the open seat. The incumbent, Joan Fitzgerald, is running for a seat in State Assembly District 46.
District 27
City of Fort Atkinson, Wards 3 and 4
The incumbent is Joan Callan.
There are no challengers for this seat.
District 29
City of Fort Atkinson, Wards 5 and 6
Incumbent Supervisor Mary Roberts is running against challenger Wyatt Cooper.
District 28
City of Fort Atkinson, Wards 7, 9 and 13
The incumbent is Anthony Gulig.
There are no challengers running for this seat.
District 23
City of Fort Atkinson, Wards 8, 10, and 12
The incumbent is George Jaeckel.
There are no challengers running for this seat.
District 30
City of Fort Atkinson, Ward 11
The incumbent is Walt Christensen.
There are no challengers running for this seat.
City of Whitewater
Residents living within the city of Whitewater will find a race in District 25 between incumbent Matthew Foelker and a challenger Jaime Steffen.
Within the city of Whitewater, residents living within city wards 11-13 are included within the following Jefferson County Board of Supervisors districts:
District 25
City of Whitewater, Ward 11
Incumbent Supervisor Matthew Foelker is running against challenger Jaime Steffen.
District 24
City of Whitewater, Wards 12 and 13
The incumbent is Roger Lindl.
There are no challengers running for this seat.
Town of Koshkonong
Residents living within the town of Koshkonong will find the names of incumbent Jefferson County supervisors on the April ballot. There are no races within two of the three county districts which include wards in the town, Nos. 23 and 30. Residents living within District 25 will find a race between incumbent Matthew Foelker and a challenger Jaime Steffen.
Within the town of Koshkonong, residents living within town wards 1-6 are included within the following Jefferson County Board of Supervisors districts:
District 23
Town of Koshkonong, Wards 1 and 2
The incumbent is George Jaeckel.
There are no challengers running for this seat.
District 25
Town of Koshkonong, Ward 3
Incumbent Supervisor Matthew Foelker is running against challenger Jaime Steffen.
District 30
Town of Koshkonong, Wards 4, 5 and 6
The incumbent is Walt Christensen.
There are no challengers running for this seat.
Write-in District 26 candidate John Donohue
Fort Atkinson resident John Donohue has registered with the county as a District 26 write-in candidate.
He recently responded to Fort Atkinson Online’s candidates questionnaire. His answers follow.

John Donohue
Age: 70
Address: 1550 Raveen St., 9, Fort Atkinson
Occupation: Commissioned Officer, United States Army, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, Retired; current executive director, Citizens for a Greater Fort Atkinson.
Number of years resided in city: 24
Education: Master of Arts, Development Banking, American University, Washington, D.C.; Master of Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; Bachelor of Science, Accounting, Strayer University; Bachelor of Science, Management, University of Maryland; Graduate of Fort Atkinson Senior High School, Class of 1971. Additionally, I am currently working towards the Master of Public Administration degree, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, with anticipated graduation date of December 2024.
Civic and other organizational memberships: Executive Director, Citizens for a Greater Fort Atkinson; Member, Advisory Board, Jefferson County Aging & Disability Resource Center; Member, Fort Atkinson Economic Development Commission; Member, National Association of Social Workers-Legislative and Social Policy Committee; Member, American Legion, Post 166; Member, International City County Management Association; and Member, League of Wisconsin Municipalities.
Political experience: None.
What are your reasons for seeking this position?
I seek this position or responsibility from a spirit of wanting to get to work for our communities. I give all of my lifetime qualifications and energy back to our communities and county government. I want every citizen in my District to know they are being fully represented in government, that their voices are fully heard, that I will listen to their concerns, and I will act in their best interest.
We have a county population of 86,598, with a growth rate of 2 percent since 2020, and an unemployment rate of 2 percent. Our 2024 budget has spending set at $106.4 million, while having a tax levy reduction of just under $477,000 and a decrease in the countywide mil rate of 11.03 percent. The county is transitioning to a Priority Based Budgeting Process, which will result in greater economic efficiencies. Fiscally, we’re doing pretty well as a county, but always room for improvements.
I will build on our legacy of being a sound county governmental organization. I am optimistic that we will continue improving and growing as a successful community. It’s what we do here – we do things successfully. As a member of the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors, should I be elected, I give you broad professional experience from my 27 years of military service, 12 years of working in Washington, D.C., and being a former university educator and administrator. I seek this position because I want to serve you, the citizens. I thrive on collaboration and transparency in all government matters, which maximizes our processes of continuous improvement.
I have met and have worked with citizens, civic groups, and county government committees, through our citizens group, Citizens for a Greater Fort Atkinson, and through other venues such as my membership on the advisory committee to the Aging and Disability Resource Center, and the Economic Development Commission of Fort Atkinson. I also have prior experience as a volunteer with the Homeless Coalition of Fort Atkinson, and Hoard Historical Museum. All of these great experiences give me the best possible vantage point for continued public service.
I am deeply impressed by how we care for our families and communities, and that we strive to uphold our quality community culture. As a member of the County Board of Supervisors, I vow to carry our positive community spirit forward.
What are the most pressing issues facing the position you seek?
Our “most pressing issues” represent Jefferson County priorities, which are my priorities as a member of the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors.
These priorities are spelled out in the county’s 2023 Strategic Plan – ten strategic goals and eight guiding principles. Among these goals are promoting a culture of economic growth and public services by continuing our positive, tax responsible fiscal history; fostering an atmosphere of quality education; attracting a quality workforce and new business; preservation of natural resources and the environment generally; increasing housing that is affordable and available at all income levels; balancing competing community desires with available resources by maintaining strong dialog among our communities; addressing our aging infrastructure especially road maintenance; planning for future technology needs; and of course maintaining fiscal soundness. Our residents also want transparency in government, and I promise to promote and maximize that transparency. Lots to do.
What unique perspective do you bring?
Before addressing “unique perspectives,” let’s first understand the county supervisor’s job description. By statute, county boards serve as a legislative body, setting policy, approving annual budgets, and making cooperative decisions. County administration and department heads are to implement the policies and procedures of the board, which takes advisement and recommendations from committees and commissions. The board and county administrative team works cohesively and cooperatively to provide for the needs of county residents.
Accordingly, I see the job of county supervisor as requiring a broad view and understanding of issues and challenges, and a foresight to identify and evaluate key opportunities. My education, military career, and experiences working in the legal profession, and at the community level, provide me with a broad view of government, and most of all, being responsive to citizens and all stakeholders.
Any additional comments?
I look forward to serving you on the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors, District 26 — Fort Atkinson Wards 1 and 2 — with great enthusiasm and accomplishment. Thank you.
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