The Jefferson Public Library, 321 South Main St., Jefferson, is offering several activities and events throughout July.
According to information released by the library, events include:
Summer library reading program
The Summer Library Program, according to the library’s website, is designed to bring a reading challenge to individuals of all ages. The program is underway and will remain available through July. Registration, which is required, is made available through a link on the library’s website. After registering, program participants are asked to log onto “Beanstack,” defined on its website as an online tool designed to motivate people to read, and create an account where they can log the hours they spend reading. According to the library’s website, participants who complete the reading challenge can earn tickets towards a grand prize.
‘Library Passport Challenge’
The “Library Passport Challenge” offers participants an opportunity to explore each of 24 libraries found in Jefferson and Waukesha counties. The program is underway and will remain open through Aug. 31. Participants are asked visit any library within the Library Bridges System where they can obtain a “passport” and their first “stamp.” As participants visit libraries, they can obtain additional stamps on their passport. A drawing for prizes is available. To participate in the drawing, an active library card is required. According to the library’s website, participants are encouraged to fill out an entry form at any Bridges System library after obtaining eight stamps. Additional entry forms may be filled out at stamp increments of 16 and 24. Winners of the drawing will be announced on Aug. 31.
Friends of the Jefferson Public Library meeting
The Friends of the Jefferson Public Library group will meet Tuesday, July 11, from 6 to 7 p.m., in the Library meeting room. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month with the exception of December, the release noted.
Activities for participants of all ages
Among activities for participants of all ages, the library will be offering a “Pages + Paws” therapy dog program, Monday, July 10, from 2 to 3 p.m. Participants are invited to bring a book or check one out from the library and read it with a therapy dog; “Halo Malo,” offers participants an opportunity to “observe ancient, traditional and contemporary Hawaiian dance,” according to the library’s release. A dance lesson also will be provided. The activity will be held Tuesday, July 11, from 2 to 3 p.m. in the library’s meeting room. Also available, “Homeschool Hangout,” a program offering opportunities to create crafts and play games, will be held Friday, July 21, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. The activity will be held in the library’s meeting room. “Pokeman Club,” offered Wednesday, July 26, between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m., brings game players together in the library’s Youth Department. Participants are encouraged to bring their own cards or use those provided by the library. A “Tiny Art Contest,” will be held July 10 through July 31, and presents participants with an opportunity to create a “tiny work of art” and enter it into the contest to win a prize. Kits to create the art are available at the library. Art may be created at the library during its “drop-in” times or at home. Drop-in times include: Wednesdays, July 12, July 19, and July 26, between 2 and 3 p.m., and Thursday, July 20, between 2 and 3 p.m. An additional drop-in time of 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. is available on July 26.
Adult activities
Several programs designed for adults, defined by the release as those who are 18 or older, will be available this month at the library. They include: “Chair Yoga,” defined in the release as a “gentle form of yoga,” which can be practiced while sitting in a chair. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing. The activity will be held on Tuesday, July 11, 18, and 25, between 10 and 11 a.m. Also offered is a program called “Yin Yoga,” which, the release notes, “involves long holds in various seated and reclined poses.” The activity is designed to help participants gain a sense of calm and relaxation, the release stated. The program will be held Wednesday, July 12, at noon.
In addition, a program called “Reads and Deeds Adult Book Club,” will be offered Monday, July 17 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. The activity combines reading and community service, according to the release. Books chosen for reading by the club will focus on relevant, social, community-based topics, according to the release.
“Gardeners Lead the Way,” is the title of a presentation designed to explore gardening basics, the relationship between gardens and gardeners, and the effects of climate change. Presenter Julie Hill, a horticulture outreach specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Division of Extension, will offer information Wednesday, July 26, between 3 and 4 p.m.
A “Senior Social Hour” will be held Friday, July 28, from 1 to 2 p.m.
For more information about programming available this month at the library, visit its website:

Jefferson Public Library, file photo/contributed.
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