Letter to middle school parents reports news of a student’s death

Update: The following GoFundMe page has been set up by Tammy Rees, which, in part, reads:

“Our precious 13 year old Danny was taken from us suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday on September 14th. He had been congested for two days with what seemed like a cold. While resting at home, he stopped breathing. We are besides ourself with loss. During resussitation efforts, it was discovered that Danny had Covid. Although the doctors think this was just a contributing factor and not the complete cause, our family has now tested positive.”
Update: At some point after the page’s initial posting, its content was revised, excluded information about Danny’s COVID testing results.   

The family does not have health insurance, the information continues. To participate with the GoFundMe efforts, follow this link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-memory-of-danny-with-love?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer

Editor’s note: The School District of Fort Atkinson today shared the following information with families of middle school students. The district has asked members of the full community to keep the family of middle school student Danny Rees, and all students and their families, in their hearts during this difficult time. The district has also made it known that support systems are in place to help students as they digest the day’s difficult news. Those seeking emotional support and guidance for families and students who are coping with grief are invited to visit the district’s resource page: https://www.fortschools.org/page/8894

A letter from Fort Atkinson Middle School Principal Matt Wolf follows: 

Dear FAMS Families, 

This morning, while students were in homerooms, I shared the news that Danny Rees, a 7th grade student and member of the Fort Atkinson Middle School family, died unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. This news is never easy to share or receive however I am glad that we were all together to support and comfort each other in this difficult time. Our amazing pupil services team and additional grief counselors were available to support children and staff as needs arose throughout the day, and we will continue to use our pupil support staff in this capacity in the days ahead. 

At this time we do not know how Danny died, and there is a chance we may not ever know. We ask that people refrain from making assumptions or guesses as these can be hard for family and friends who are already feeling saddened by the news of his death. As we navigate this tragic event, it’s important for everyone involved to remember who Danny was as a person and keep his family and friends in our thoughts; our focus needs to remain on how we can all support and take care of each other. 

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to the middle school if there is anything that we could do to support you and your child through this tragic time. 

Sincerely, Matt Wolf 

Update: The School District of Fort Atkinson released the following statement Thursday:

“We want to acknowledge that our hearts are heavy for the loss of one of our students. We extend heartfelt condolence to the family, friends, staff, and members of our community. As a District, our focus remains on continuing to support students, staff, and families now and in the days ahead.

“The message (above) was shared with Middle School families Wednesday afternoon.

Due to Federal privacy requirements and out of respect for the family, the District will not provide any additional information.” 

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  1. Amy

    Don’t know? Word is already out from very credible sources that this sweet child died of Covid. So thanks for protecting our kids Fort school board…

  2. Amy

    Censoring, deleting comments I see.

    This child died of covid and it could have been avoided. What a devastating loss. My heart aches for his family. Several credible sources know this and have shared that covid is the cause. Tell our community the truth.

    1. editor

      No censoring Amy, but did need to wait until I had verifiable information from a credible source. That has been received.

    2. Dani

      Did you read the article? The Dr even said that there were other underlying issues. Since when is this the blame game? What happened 2 years ago when a child passed? We mourned their loss, we sent prayers to the family, now we want to blame someone. Yes he and the family have covid, but how do you know that he got it at school? Step back a minute and let the family mourn and heal. It’s comments like this that are separating our community, not wearing or not wearing masks.

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