Letter to the editor: Evers, Vruwink will rebuild education

I am a resident of the city of Jefferson writing to share my opinion regarding education in Wisconsin. 

I was raised on a dairy farm in central Wisconsin. By stating that I attended a one-room schoolhouse from first to fifth grades gives away my age. But the quality of education was thorough and well-rounded. Students joined band, participated in sports, learned bookkeeping, personal finances, civics and reading, writing and arithmetic. Students weren’t questioning another student’s sexual tendencies…we were too busy learning about our own. 

I moved to Florida in 1990 and became a business owner. I lived and worked in Florida until retiring in 2015. I returned to Wisconsin to be closer to family and because it will always be my home no matter where or how long I may be away. 

The state I left in 1990 is not the state I returned to in 2015. Decades of cutting educational budgets left teachers and students deprived of the materials, resources and courses for a well-balanced education. We need to educate our children about the unlimited possible careers awaiting them. If we don’t, we lose the promise of their talents. 

Because of his extensive knowledge of education, Gov. Tony Evers has begun reversing the degradation of Wisconsin’s educational system. The clamor about gender bathrooms, theory and banning books seems like excuses to deflect attention or to justify the cutting of funding. We need him to stay in office and have a chance to complete his agenda. 

Don Vruwink is running for our 33rd Assembly district. While he is well known in the Whitewater/Janesville areas, he is new to our Jefferson voters due to redistricting. Don has been involved in education for 42 years. With his experience, we need him in the Assembly to insure that Wisconsin returns to its top ranking in education. 


Mary L. Steensrud 

City of Jefferson 

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One Comment

  1. Sandra Bernhardt

    Thanks for your comments, Mary. I agree with everything you’ve expressed. I appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts. More people need to do that, too!

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