Letter to the editor: Jefferson County is large enough to be its own Assembly district

Letter to the editor: Jefferson County is large enough to be its own Assembly district 

Leslie DeMuth of Lake Mills and I were two of the Concerned Citizens of Wisconsin that submitted a Friend of the Court Brief to the Wisconsin Supreme Court describing problems with redistricting maps currently under consideration by the Court. Problems with Jefferson County were highlighted, and a better solution for Jefferson County was demonstrated in the image below.

Jefferson County is large enough for its own State Assembly District. Now, Jefferson County voters have a choice: Do we want to work together to make sure our county, cities, and villages receive our fair share of State funds? Or do we continue to have our votes diluted in Jefferson County by being split into many State Assembly Districts? 

This image of Jefferson County displays a “best practice” in voting district mapping. State voting district mappers should strive, if at all possible, to give each county in Wisconsin with enough population its own Assembly Voting District.

To all citizens of Jefferson County: Please urge your Jefferson County supervisors to pass a resolution requesting the State to give Jefferson County its own Assembly district.


Dan Russler, 


The above graphic is supplied by Dan Russler. 

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