Editor’s note: The following letter is an endorsement of a political candidate. Letters endorsing or in opposition to political candidates or election ballot issues will be published up until one week before the applicable election. (Letters endorsing candidates running in the spring election will be published until March 29.) Authors are limited to one letter per week. Letters of endorsement may not be written by the candidate being endorsed, nor may candidates write letters of endorsement or in opposition to their election opponents. Our full letters policy is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/opinion/.
This letter is to ask my neighbors in Jefferson County Board Supervisory District 29 to please vote for Mary Roberts this spring. District 29 covers roughly the south-central portion of the City of Fort Atkinson, and includes voting wards 5 and 6.
I have had the privilege to be a next door neighbor to Mary Roberts, along with her husband Bill, for the past ten years. She is a kind, warm hearted, and generous individual, who genuinely cares about her community. She stepped up to serve in a vacated seat several years ago, and is now running for her third term. Mary strongly believes in making sure that Jefferson County remains a great place to raise a family, just like she has done. She wants to make sure the county continues fostering great infrastructure, parks, facilities, and local economies.
Mary is one of only five female members currently serving on the board of 30 supervisors. I strongly believe more women should be encouraged to run for local office. One of the ways we can do this is to vote for them when they are up for re-election.
Please join me in voting for Mary Roberts in the April 5th election.
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