Editor’s note: The following letter is an endorsement of a political candidate. Letters endorsing or in opposition to political candidates or election ballot issues will be published up until one week before the applicable election. (Letters endorsing candidates running in the spring election will be published until March 29.) Authors are limited to one letter per week. Letters of endorsement may not be written by the candidate being endorsed, nor may candidates write letters of endorsement or in opposition to their election opponents. Our full letters policy is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/opinion/.
Members of the school board play pivotal roles in shaping the educational experiences of our children. On April 5th, please consider voting for Matt Loup at our local election. I have known Matt since I first moved to Fort Atkinson. Our children have gone to the same school, from pre-school all the way through to high school. I know Matt to be an involved parent from our time at Barrie and beyond. He always helped out as a parent helper: from volunteering within classrooms, as well as at events like the Learning Fair at Barrie Elementary, to the robotics teams at the Middle school. He was also a coordinator for the FAYSA youth soccer for a number of years, and a longtime member and past president of Heart of the City.
I know Matt well and I am glad that he has stepped forward with his candidacy for the School Board. Matt is the kind of person who will listen with an open mind and try to fully understand the issues from different perspectives. He will work with others to achieve outcomes that will be in the best interest of children. From talking with him, I know that he has already taken the opportunity to meet with past board members and school officials to get to know the issues that are facing our school district. He is approachable, believes in community and working together with people. At the same time, based on what I have seen, I know that he will be able to get things done.
If you want someone on the school board who will take the time to understand the issues, advocate for students, be compassionate, open-minded, value education, and has a deep appreciation for Fort Atkinson, please consider voting for Matt Loup. He has my vote!
Yamin Ahmad,
Fort Atkinson
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I couldn’t agree more. Matt Loup would be an ideal member of the Fort Atkinson school board in these challenging times! I will be voting for Matt.