A full auditorium greeted approximately 66 Fort Atkinson High School Class of 2024 graduating seniors as they gathered on stage Wednesday in anticipation of the evening’s scholarship awards ceremony. Fort Atkinson High School Counselor Samantha Ahler opened the event with a speech welcoming family members, friends, school district administration and some 37 presenters, all of whom participated in a two-hour ceremony during which some $1,162,088 in scholarship funds were distributed among the students on the stage. The evening, in pictures, follows.
Kim McDarison photos.
Fort Atkinson High School Counselor Samantha Ahler opens the Fort Atkinson High School Scholarship Awards Ceremony with a speech welcoming 66 graduating seniors, their family members and friends, along with school district administration and some 37 presenters, as they prepared to participate in a two-hour ceremony during which over $1 million was awarded to students.
Fort Atkinson High School Principal Leigh Ann Scheuerell announces and distributes state-level awards, including the Wisconsin Academic Excellence Award and the Wisconsin Technical Excellence Award.
Winners of the Academic Excellence Award are Andi Spies and Langdon Eske. Each student received $9,000.
Technical Excellence Award winners are Chloe Sahr and Julian Bos. Each received $6,750.
Fort Atkinson High School Counselor Samantha Ahler, at left, is joined at the podium by Special Education and Pupil Services Coordinator Angie Salamone. Together, they present three awards: the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Falcon Soar Scholarship, the UW-Stout Esther and Herman Kolbenschlag Endowed Scholarship, and the University of Tulsa National Merit Semifinalist Scholarship.
Jackson Leibman is the recipient of the UW-River Falls Falcon Soar Scholarship. He is awarded $1,000.
Joining Special Education and Pupil Services Coordinator Angie Salamone at the podium, Ashley Wadsworth is awarded the UW-Stout Esther and Herman Kolbenschlag Endowed Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.
School District of Fort Atkinson Superintendent Rob Abbott shakes the hand of each student after congratulating them for their achievement as a National Merit Finalist. The three students are Payton Wiesen, Francis Kuefler, and Elizabeth Barganz.
School District of Fort Atkinson Superintendent Rob Abbott is joined at the podium by Calvin Tamblyn who is named the recipient of the Dr. James and Therese Fitzpatrick Educator Scholarship in the amount of $2,500.
A family member representing the Ardell Wiederhoeft Legacy Scholarship greets this year’s recipient, Mariana Gamez Garza. She is awarded $2,600.
School District of Fort Atkinson Superintendent Rob Abbott invites five recipients of the FA Alumni Foundation Scholarship to the podium. Each student receives $3,000. They are, not in pictured order, Elizabeth Barganz, Madelynn Kontny, Sol Meyerloup, Ava Stedman and Ben Stricker.
With each receiving $5,000, recipients of the Stella Heth Memorial University Scholarship, not in pictured order, include Ellie Christianson, Mikayla Cropp, Macey Pease, Alayna Riddell, Carrigan Walter.
Nora Congdon, front row, third from left, arrives with her classmates on stage in advance of the Fort Atkinson High School Senior Scholarship Ceremony. She is one of three recipients of the Stella Heth Memorial Vocational Scholarship, receiving an award in the amount of $3,000.
Shelby Gladem, at left, and Trever Vegter arrive at the podium where each receive an award provided through the Stella Heth Memorial Vocational Scholarship. A third student, Nora Congdon, not pictured, also is a recipient of the award. Gladen is the recipient of $2,000 and Vegter receives $1,000.
Drew Enger is presented as the recipient of the Laura Gallitz Gray Scholarship in the amount of $5,000.
Alison Gosda is presented by Fort Atkinson High School art teacher Angie Szabo, not pictured, as the Senior Artist of the Year. The student is the recipient of $100 and a large bag filled with art supplies.
Sue Koepke arrives at the podium to present the FA Generals Athletic and Baseball Scholarships.
Gracyn Heine, at left, holds her award of $500 given by the FA Generals Athletic Scholarship. She stands near the podium with Drew Enger, who is the recipient of $500 awarded by the FA Generals Baseball Scholarship.
Kari Homb, principal at St. Joseph Catholic School, Fort Atkinson, announces the recipient of the St. Joseph Catholic Church Powers Scholarship.
Sofia Unate, having arrived at the podium, is named the recipient of the St. Joseph Catholic Church Powers Scholarship in the amount of $8,000.
At the podium, Jim Knoflicek presents students Jane Haak, at left, and Kjersti Gadberry with the Class of 1971 Vocational/Technical Scholarship. Each student received $750.
Anita Freeman, at right, presents Leah Kincaid with the American Legion Auxiliary Music Scholarship in the amount of $750.
Anita Freeman, at right, presents Maritza Alvarado with the American Legion Auxiliary Medical Scholarship in the amount of $750.
Rollie Carothers, at right, presents Maren Selle with the Richard Bowers Memorial Vietnam Veterans Chap. 409 Scholarship. The student is awarded $1,000.
Marin Selle presents her award to the audience.
Ret. Col. Michael Williams arrives at the podium to announce the recipients of the Vietnam Veterans of America Rock River Chap. 236 Scholarship.
Vietnam Veterans of America Rock River Chap. 236 Scholarship recipient Trever Vegter displays his award for the audience. He, along with Mikayla Cropp, not pictured, each received $300 from the organization.
Bob Cheek arrives at the podium to announce the recipients of the Eagle Scout/Gold Award Recognition.
Recipients of the Eagle Scout/Gold Award Recognition arrive at the podium. They are Jackson Leibman, at left, and Calvin Tamblyn. Also recognized, but not pictured are Dakota Friend and Noah Last. Each student received $250.
Fort Atkinson Police Department School Resource Officer Ben Boeve presents Ava Stedman with a $500 award given by the Fort Atkinson Professional Police Association.
Representing the Leonard Brosig Wisconservation Club Scholarship, Craig Rusch, at right, presents Drew Enger with an award of $2,500.
At the podium, Jordan Nelson recognizes several recipients of the FA Vocational/Technical Scholarship. Eight students flanked the podium. They are, not in pictured order, Julian Bos, Katelynn Davis, Katrina Duncan, Baylee Floerke, Kjersti Gadberry, Maren Haagensen, Chloe Sahr, and Trever Vegter.
The FA Vocational/Technical Scholarship recipients each receive awards ranging between $500 and $1,400.
Representing the Matt Hahn Memorial/Twin River Riders Snowmobile Club Scholarship, Tim McGuire presents student Katrina Duncan with an award of $250.
Student Olivia O’Neill comes to the podium to receive a scholarship.
Representing the Polk, Ott, McGlynn and Kudlata families, a presenter describes the attributes of student Olivia O’Neill, who is the recipient of the Make a Difference Scholarship. The student is awarded $10,000.
Fort Atkinson High School band director and music teacher Justin Steger arrives at the podium to announce the recipients of the Stuart and Gladys Anhalt Memorial Scholarship.
Calvin Tamblyn, from left, TJ Lee-Davis, and Leah Kincaid are each awarded $10,000 given them by the Stuart and Gladys Anhalt Memorial Scholarship.
Jefferson County Sheriff’s Deputy Adam Larson announces the recipient of the Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff’s Association Scholarship.
Maritza Alvarado presents her award of $500 from the Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff’s Association Scholarship.
Madelynn Kontny is the recipient of the American Red Cross Scholarship. The student is awarded $250.
Evelyn Olmos is the recipient of the Lueder Financial Group Scholarship. The student is awarded $2,000.
Macey Pease is the recipient of the Jesse Nowodzelski Scholarship. The student is awarded $1,000.
Michael Kilar, representing the Treyton Kilar Memorial Scholarship, comes to the podium. Kilar additionally represented his wife, Mary, in presenting the award.
Students, Elizabeth Adelmeyer, Madelynn Kontny, Luke Murphy and Macey Pease, as recipients of the Treyton Kilar Memorial Scholarship, each receive $500.
Rebecca Christ, Maren Selle and Mara Zanin are each recipients of the Francis F. Carnes Charitable Trust Scholarship. The students were each presented with a gift of $3,000. The awards were presented by Fort Atkinson High School Assistant Principal Adam Rousseau, not pictured, on behalf of the organization’s representative Cherie Miller, also not pictured.
Doug Gross, serving as the representative of the MBE CPAs Fort Atkinson Scholarship, comes to the podium.
Gross names Evelyn Olmos as the recipient of the MBE CPAs scholarship in the amount of $1,000.
Representing the ARMY National Guard Minuteman Scholarship, Sgt. Jonathan Wright arrives at the podium.
Named by Wright, the ARMY National Guard Minuteman Scholarship is awarded to Raul Diaz, Emilio Calzadas Espino and Own Blackwell. Each student received $137,396.
Mark Gavigan presents the Don Gruber Memorial Athletic Scholarship, in the amount of $1,000, to student Macey Pease.
Evan Zachgo is the recipient of the Casey Enweiler Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.
Mara Zanin is the recipient of the Bob Horton Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $500.
Special Education and Pupil Services Coordinator Angie Salamone, at right, is joined at the podium by John Kutz, who is representing the Capt. Wibur Sundt and Charity Concerts Kiwanis Scholarships.
Mariana Gamez Garza and Ben Stricker are the recipients of the Capt. Wilbur Sundt Kiwanis award, with each receiving $2,000. Gamez Garza additionally received $2,500 as the recipient of the Kiwanis Charity Concert Scholarship.
School District of Fort Atkinson Counselor Katie Utphall awards Julian Bos with $750. The award comes through the FFA Alumni/FFA Scholarship.
Ellie Christianson is the recipient of the Mary Dexheimer Gates Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $2,500.
School District of Fort Atkinson Counselor Katie Utphall congratulates recipients of the Edward Hager Memorial Scholarship. They are Ava Stedman and Kjersti Gadberry. Each student received $3,500.
Maritza Alvarado and Caleb Fast are the recipients of the Edward G. Wolff Memorial Scholarship with each student receiving $2,500.
School District of Fort Atkinson Counselor Katie Utphall presents TJ Lee-Davis with the Ed Winiarski Turn Around Award in the amount of $750.
Callie Butz is the recipient of a scholarship titled “Anonymous,” in the amount of $1,500.
Fort Atkinson High School Athletic Director Steve Mohoney arrives at the podium to announce the recipients of two scholarships: the Dr. James Russell Athletic Scholarship and the Fort Atkinson Youth Wrestling Club Scholarship.
Rebecca Christ, Macey Pease, Drew Enger and Ben Stricker are the recipients of the Dr. James Russell Athletic Scholarship, with each student receiving $1,100. The recipient of the Fort Atkinson Youth Wrestling Club Scholarship, in the amount of $250, is Robert Wildenauer, not pictured.
Representing the Dr. Sydney H. Weidemann Memorial Scholarship, Gwen Sachse arrives at the podium.
Gracyn Heine and Mara Zanin are the recipients of the Dr. Sydney H. Weidemann Memorial Scholarship, with each student receiving $3,000.
Fort Atkinson High School Assistant Principal Adam Rousseau announces the recipients of three scholarships. They are the Bretl Family Leadership Scholarship, the Fort Memorial Hospital Foundation Scholarships, and the Ed Karrels AP Computer Science Scholarship.
Jackson Leibman is the recipient of the Bretl Family Leadership Scholarship, in the amount of $7,500.
One of two Fort Atkinson Hospital Foundation award recipients, Carrigan Walter displays her $1,500 award given her by the Fort Memorial Hospital Foundation Estelle Stinson Chase and Peter A. Chase Scholarship.
One of two Fort Atkinson Hospital Foundation award recipients, Natalie Krueger displays her $750 award given her by the Fort Memorial Hospital Foundation Dr. Donald and Barbara Williams Scholarship.
Joshua Tidberg, Payton Wiesen and Cameron Bethard are recipients of the Ed Karrels AP Computer Scholarship, with each student receiving $1,000.
Fort Atkinson High School Assistant Principal Jeff Dye announces the recipients of three scholarships. They are: the Terra Staffing Service Scholarship, the UW-Foundation Wendall Smith Scholarship, and the FA UW-Madison Alumni Chapter/Pellegrin Scholarship.
Mariana Gamez Garza is the recipient of the Terra Staffing Service Scholarship in the amount of $500.
Langdon Eske is the recipient of the Wendall Smith Agriculture and Life Sciences Scholarship/UW-Madison Foundation in the amount of $2,000.
Ellie Christianson is a recipient of the FA UW-Madison Alumni Chapter/Pellegrin Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.
Aiden Wirth also is a recipient of the FA UW-Madison Alumni Chapter/Pellegrin Scholarship in the amount of $3,000.
Fort Atkinson Community Foundation affiliate and President of Fort Atkinson Credit Union (FCCU) Sue Johnson arrives at the podium to announce the recipients of six scholarships.
Gracyn Heine is the recipient of the FCCU Scholarship in the amount of $2,000.
Mariana Gamez Garza and Casey Noll are the recipients of the James and Frances Luther Memorial Scholarship, with each student receiving $2,200.
Sydney Ketterman is the recipient of the Isabelle Mathews Educational Scholarship in the amount of $2,000.
Carrigan Walter is the recipient of the Maurice and Clara Staller Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $5,200.
Macey Pease is the recipient of the Kathleen Grabil Thorndike Scholarship in the amount of $2,500.
Maritza Alvarado is the recipient of the Carol Jean Rowley Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $2,500.
At the podium, Bonnie Hamm, representing the Gary and Bonnie Hamm Scholarship, presents Drew Enger with an award of $1,000.
Arriving at the podium, Rochelle Mitchell announces the recipients of four scholarships, the first of which is the Optimist Club Scholarship. One of two recipients, Aiden Wirth, at right, receives $250. A second recipient, Maren Selle, not pictured, also received $250.
Three students, also called to the podium by Rochelle Michell, receive awards through the Florence Hake Educational Memorial Scholarship. They are Alison Gosda, receiving $2,000, and Reagan Horwath and Annaka Hill, with each receiving $5,000.
Rochelle Michell presents the Jerome Hake Engineering Scholarship to Hayden Kincaid. The student receives a gift of $5,500.
Five recipients of the Lloyd Hake Vocational Technical Memorial Scholarship assemble on stage. They are, not in pictured order, Kjersti Gadberry, Maritza Alvarado, Shelby Gladem, Brent Livieri, and Trever Vegter. The students each received gifts ranging from $2,000 to $3,500.
At the podium, Bonnie Geyer prepares to announce the recipients of four scholarships.
Mikayla Cropp is the recipient of the Fort Atkinson Thrift Shop and Jean Reich Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $2,000.
Arriving near the podium, Georgia Diagne is awarded $1,250 as the recipient of the Hannah Church Memorial Scholarship.
Nora Nelson is the recipient of the Victor and Ruth Johnson Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $750.
Leah Kincaid and Sydney Ketterman are the recipients of the David Veith Memorial Scholarship. The students each received an award of $1,250.
Fort Atkinson Community Foundation Executive Director Sue Hartwick arrives at the podium to announce the recipients of five scholarships.
Sol Meyerloup is the recipient of the Jason Dahnert Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $3,500.
Leah Kincaid, Sydney Ketterman and Peyton Bishop are the recipients of the Fred and Helen Rose Inspire-a-Dream Scholarship. Each student received a gift of $2,000.
Alayna Riddell is the recipient of the James Rossing Adversity Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.
Sue Hartwick presents Langdon Eske with the Science Matters Scholarship, with a gift of $6,000.
Mabel Schumacher, representing the Terry Beck Protective Services Scholarship, awards $1,000 to Robert Wildenauer.
At the podium, Sally Koehler prepares to announce the recipients of three scholarships. They are: the Richard Noel Bingham Memorial Scholarship, the Theodore W. Batterman Family Foundation Scholarship, and the Walter and Louise Buell Merit Scholarship.
Six recipients of the Richard Noel Bingham Memorial Scholarship gather on stage. They are, not in pictured order, Cameron Bethard, Rebecca Christ, Drew Enger, Gracyn Heine, Francis Kuefler and Mara Zanin. Each student received $8,400.
Joining Sally Koehler near the podium, five recipients of the Theodore W. Batterman Family Foundation gather on stage. They are, not in pictured order, Sydney Ketterman, Hayden Kincaid, Hayden Lund, Calvin Tamblyn, and Joshua Tidberg. Each student received $12,000.
Maren Selle and Langdon Eske are the recipients of the Walter and Louise Buell Merit Scholarship. Each student received a gift of $20,000.
Editor-in-chief of the Fort Atkinson High School newspaper, the “Signal,” Tanner Hartwig is among photographers on hand Wednesday to document the ceremonial occasion.
Student ceremonially move through the aisle of the Fort Atkinson High School Performing Arts Center in advance of the scholarship awards program.
Some 66 students in all make their way past well-wishers to the stage in the Fort Atkinson High School Performing Arts Center.
Students take their seats on stage in anticipation of the Fort Atkinson High School Class of 2024 Scholarship Awards Ceremony.
Kim McDarison photos.