Registration open for Tech Savvy in Whitewater

By Chris Spangler

Registration is underway for Tech Savvy 2023, a one-day Whitewater conference designed to inspire pupils in grades 6-9 — girls, in particular — in STEM fields.

While Tech Savvy is tailored toward middle school girls interested in studies and careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields, along with their parents/mentors, registration also is open to interested boys.

Planning and implementation of the conference is coordinated by the American Association of University Woman (AAUW) Branches in Fort Atkinson and Janesville. Committee Co-Chairs are Maggie Winz and Vicki Wright of the Fort Atkinson AAUW and Pat Phillips and Carole Salines of the Janesville AAUW.

The conference takes place at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, April 15. Check-in and lunch are at the University Center.

Attendance is limited to the first registered 110 students and 110 parents/mentors. Registrations are being accepted online through April 5 at

The fee is $10 per each student and parent/mentor, with a box lunch included. Students will receive a drawstring bag and T-shirt, the latter guaranteed if registered by March 25.

Students will experience hands-on activities led by professional women in STEM fields. There will be a program for adults to learn more about working in the STEM fields, encouraging their children in STEM and helping them to prepare for college or technical school.

This year’s keynote speaker is Fort Atkinson High School alumna Yana Rawinski, senior product manager at Medtronic Spine and Biologics. Her talk is titled “Mapping your Own Course to Success with STEM as Your Starting Blocks.”

Rawinski will share her journey from middle school math competitions to a biomedical engineering degree. She will acknowledge that everyone’s path might look different and that it’s OK at times to be unsure about the next steps. The goal is to keep moving forward.

At Medtronic Spine and Biologic, Rawinski manages many products, including one with an annual worldwide revenue of more than $100 million. 

Rawinski started her career in 2016, at age 19, as a longterm intern in a startup company specializing in spine devices. That company was acquired by Medtronic, where she has held both engineering and marketing roles. Her engineering background has been instrumental in the success she’s had in her marketing career.  

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Marquette University in biomedical engineering with an emphasis in mechanical engineering. She has no formal training in marketing, but because of her engineering background, she has had the opportunity for accelerated growth and advancement within the marketing space. 

In her free time, Rawinski loves to cook, read, and travel with her fiancé, Mitch, and their English Cream Golden Retriever.

Also during TechSavvy, students will be able to select three workshops to attend. Workshop topic titles and presenters for the students are:

•  “Density Bottles: To Float or Not to Float,” Dr. Kimberly Nabaer, lecturer, UW-Whitewater Chemistry Department.

• “Explore the University One Ray of Light at a Time,” Dr. Juliana Constantinescu, UW-Whitewater Physics Department.

• “Hands-On Construction Competition,” Sam Potts, Hannah Jost, Blythe Ratzmann and Kelsey Bull of J.P. Cullen.

• “Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy: Harnessing the Power of the Sun,” graduate students in plasma physics and engineering physics at UW-Madison.

• “Science of Flavors & Fragrances,” Paul V. Griffin, associate manager of outreach and training at MilliporeSigma, Sheboygan Falls.

• “Soil Bacteria: A Key to New Antibiotics,” Dr. Heather Pelzel, associate professor of biological sciences, UW-Whitewater, and Dr. Nadine Kriska, lecturer, Biology Department, UW-Whitewater.

• “Spaghetti Car Derby,” Emily Jackson, project engineer, J.T. Engineering Inc.

• “Surgical Intern for a Day,” Dr. Christine Chuppa, Dr. Molly Larson and Dr. Elizabeth Lunk, Fort HealthCare.

• “Wear Your Genes,” Dr. Kirsten Crossgrove, genetics and molecular biology, UW-Whitewater.

• “What Can Glowing Animals Teach Us?,” Dr. Kris Curran, biological sciences, UW-Whitewater.

Workshop topic titles and presenters for the parents/mentors are:

• “Chat with a Dental Professional,” Dr. Raechel Jacobson, dentist, Dreier Family Dental, Janesville.

• “Chat with an Engineering Professional,” Brittany Noe, project manager, IPEC.

• “Chat with Medical Laboratory Professionals,” Karissa Goulder, MLS, and Michelle Green, MLT, Fort HealthCare.

• “Chat with a Technology Professional,” Kat Ray, software developer, Yahara Software.

• “Chat with an Expert on Two-Year Technical School Programs,” Carlos A. Lozano, early college STEM adviser, Madison Area Technical College.

• “Chat with an Expert on Four-Year College Programs,” Sara Duesterbeck, M.Ed., Walworth County Community Resource

Sponsoring Tech Savvy are Alliant Energy, Fort HealthCare, NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes LLC, Cullen, SHINE, Ball Corp., BetterLife and Jones Dairy Farm.

Three photos above: Students explore the world of STEM during Tech Savvy 2022. Contributed photos. 

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