Roundup: Jefferson County voters went to the polls

By Christine Spangler

Jefferson County voters went to the polls on Tuesday to cast ballots in a variety of area city, town and school district elections, as well as to fill the 13th state Senate seat vacated by now-U.S. Rep. Scott Fitzgerald.

The following lists voting outcomes for all municipalities in the county except for the City of Fort Atkinson and School District of Fort Atkinson, which are reported separately.



Three of four incumbents were returned to their seats on the Jefferson Common Council Tuesday.

Vote tallies were: Toby Tully Jr., 582; Peg Beyer, 532; and Bill Brandel, 540.

Newcomer Laurie Teeter garnered 495 ballots, winning a council seat.

Jim Horn received 372 votes.

Lake Mills

In the election for Lake Mills City Council, Catherine Bishop fended off Mike Foster with 699 votes to Foster’s 522.


Lisa Dawsey-Smith retained her at-large seat on the Whitewater Common Council Tuesday.

She received 708 votes to challenger Dan Machalik’s 328.

Carol McCormick was re-elected to her District 1 council seat, as was Brienne Brown in District 3. Both were unopposed.

The District 5 race was a close one, as incumbent Gregory Majkrzak reportedly received 62 votes to challenger Neil Hicks’ 60. 


Johnson Creek

John Swisher received 365 votes in his unopposed bid for Village of Johnson Creek president.

Unopposed in their bids for village trustee were Bev Deppe, with 295 votes; Tim Semo, 319; and Mike Saindon, 294.


Kathy Weiss received 172 votes in her unopposed bid for Village of Palmyra president.

Winning trustee positions were Thomas Ball, with 154 votes, and John Kinjerski, with 137.

Winning the third trustee seat was Matt Sockrider, who garnered 56 of 85 write-in ballots.


Roberta Montague received 83 votes to win her unopposed bid for Village of Sullivan president.

Sean Kevin and Gary Kernodle were elected as village trustees with 77 and 67 votes, respectively.



Incumbent Perry Goetsch edged out challenger Tom Carey to win re-election to his Town of Ixonia Board of Supervisors chairmanship.

Goetsch garnered 676 votes to Carey’s 615.

Winning the two supervisor seats on the board were Rick Ziegler and Peter Mark.

The vote tallies were Ziegler, 701; Mark, 638; Clark Eckert, 592; and Andrew Maduscha, 481.


Jeremy Chwala won the Town of Aztalan chairperson post with 205 votes over incumbent Scott Masche’s 193 ballots.

Capturing the two supervisory seats were incumbents Larry Christianson and Michael Burow. Vote tallies were: Christianson, 279; Burow, 282; and newcomer Dawn Miller, 157.

Unopposed were Clerk Megan Dunneisen, with 355 votes, and Treasurer Karen Mundt, with 348 ballots.


The three candidates for Town of Koshkonong Board of Supervisors in Tuesday’s election faced no opposition.

Their vote tallies were: Chairperson Bill Burlingame, 307; Supervisor 1 Walt Christensen, 337; and Supervisor 2 Jim Brandenburg, 322.


Town of Oakland Board of Supervisors candidate were unopposed Tuesday.

Winning their seats were Chairperson Gene Kapsner, with 637 votes; and Supervisors Joy Graffin and Ted Vratny, with 489 votes, respectively.


Town of Jefferson Board of Supervisors candidates were unopposed in Tuesday’s election.

Vote tallies were: Chairperson Gregg Hill, 238; Supervisor 1 Tracie Stammer, 242; and Supervisor 3 Deb Kind, 237.


All candidates were unopposed in their bids for the Town of Hebron Board of Supervisors.

Vote tallies were 126 for Chairman Ronald Kutz; and 108 and 119 for Supervisors Randy Thorman and Matthew Foelker, respectively.


Incumbent Barry Boos and newcomer Paul Goeglein won seats on the Town of Sullivan Board of Supervisors in Tuesday’s election with 301 and 170 ballots, respectively.

Lake Mills

Brian Benisch and Tom Buechel ran as write-in candidates in Tuesday’s election for Town of Lake Mills Board of Supervisors chairperson. 

Buechel won the seat with 149 votes to Benisch’s 137 votes. 

All unopposed, Supervisor 1 David Schroeder received 498 votes; Supervisor 2 James Heinz, 499 ballots; Clerk Robin Untz, 552 votes; and 

Treasurer Sharon Guenterberg, 543.

Also unopposed, the Lake Mills municipal/town judge post went to Vincent Guerrero, with 1,515 ballots.


By only two votes, Steven Kube won the race for Town of Milford Board of Supervisors chairperson in Matthew Kaminski received 134 votes to Kube’s 136 ballots. 

Unopposed candidates’ vote tallies were: Supervisors Jason Hoffman and Anthony Schadt, 193 and 165, respectively; Clerk Trisha Miller, 241; and Treasurer Kathy Redmer, 236.

Cold Spring

Re-elected to the Town of Cold Spring Board of Supervisors were Chairperson Steven Hoffman, with 115 votes; Supervisor I Byron Freeman, 115 votes; Supervisor 2 Marisa Piper, 110 votes; Clerk Lisa Griep,121 votes; and Treasurer Crystal Hoffmann, 112 votes.


By only two votes, Dale Konle was elected chairman of the Town of Concord Board of Supervisors when electors when to the polls Tuesday.

Erick Frommgen garnered 226 votes to Dale Konle’s 228. It was not known at presstime whether Frommgen would seek a recount. 

In the race for two supervisor seats, Lloyd Zastrow and William Ingersoll won with 319 and 355 votes, respectively.

Challenger Diana Radtke received 109 ballots.

Unopposed were Brian Neumann for town clerk and James Zastrow for treasurer. Their vote tallies were 413 and 423, respectively.


Town of Palmyra Board of Supervisors incumbents faced no challenge on the ballot Tuesday.

Vote tallies were: Chairperson Larry Kau, 144; Supervisor 1 Weenonah Brattset, 133; and Supervisor 2 Richard Natrop, 141.


All candidates for the Town of Farmington Board of Supervisors were unopposed in Tuesday’s balloting.

Vote tallies were: Chairperson Kevin Emrath, 246; Supervisors Scott Sukow and Dale Weis, 232 and 215, respectively; Clerk Tami Latsch, 270; and Treasurer Denise Nelson, 243.


John Dohner Sr. received 239 votes in his unopposed bid for Town of Sumner Board of Supervisors chairperson.

For the Supervisor 1 position, Sam Meyers won with 151 ballots to Randall Burdick’s 140 votes.

For Supervisor 2, Lindsey Weigand-Jelik garnered 160 votes to win over James Armstrong, who earned 130 votes.

Amanda Collins captured the town clerk seat with 149 votes to Glendan Rewoldt’s 139 ballots.

Unopposed, Treasurer Donna Skau received 245 votes.


Unopposed candidate Scott Hassett won the Town of Waterloo Board of Supervisors chairperson post with 155 votes.

The tallies for other unopposed candidates were: Supervisors Larry Holzheuter and Jeremy Ellis, 157 and 125 votes, respectively; Clerk Cindy Schroeder, 175 ballots; and Treasurer Laurie Frey, 164 votes. 


Residents of the Towns of Lake Mills and Oakland weighed in Tuesday on an advisory referendum regarding a proposed $6.5 million referendum for remodeling and expanding the Cambridge Fire Station.

Town of Lake Mills voters approved the proposal 346 to 269, while Town of Oakland electors rejected it 502 to 393.

Voters in the Village of Cambridge and Dane County Town of Christiana also voted against the referendum. The tallies were: Village of Rockdale, 36 yes, 30 no; Town of Christiana, 203 yes, 222 no; and Village of Cambridge, 267 yes, 297 no.

The Cambridge, Lake Mills and Oakland votes were advisory, meaning that the board of supervisors could override the outcome. However, the Christiana referendum was binding.

But the third, in the Town of Christiana, was binding.

Meanwhile, the Village of Cambridge also held a referendum seeking to exceed the village’s state levy cap by $95,000 a year in perpetuity to fund emergency service and other expenses.

The binding referendum tied 279 to 279. In the event of a tie, the referendum fails.

School districts


Three seats were up for election Tuesday on the School District of Jefferson Board of Education.

Two of the three incumbents — President Donna Bente, Area II, and Travis Maze, Area I — did not seek new terms.

Unopposed for their seats were Seth Ebel in Area II, who earned 1,317 votes, and Thomas Joseph Condon Jr. in Area I, who received 1,266 ballots.

Unopposed for another three-year term representing the Area IV at-large seat was Terri Wenkman, who received 1,320 votes.

Lake Mills

Winning the two open seats on the School District of Lake Mills Board of Education Tuesday were Brianna Behselich and Ken Eimers.

Vote tallies were Behselich, 1,287; Eimers, 1,140; and Andrew Palmer, 1,057.

Johnson Creek

Elected to the School District of Johnson Creek Board of Education were June Null Kolaske, with 493 ballots; Duane Draeger, with 562 votes; and Krista Mahan, with 532 votes.


Kristiana Williams won a seat on the Palmyra-Eagle Area School District Board of Education Tuesday.

She had 366 in Jefferson County and 466 in Waukesha County,

Challenger Mitzi Roscizewski received 305 votes in Jefferson County and 354 in Waukesha County for a total 659.


Four people were vying for two seats on the Whitewater Unified School District Board of Education in Tuesday’s election.

Winning were Maryann Zimmerman, with 1,354 votes; and incumbent Larry Kachel, with 1,322 ballots.

Incumbent Tom Ganser came in third with 1,075 votes, while Andrea Svec, received 299 votes.

State Senate

Current state Assemblyman John Jagler will be moving to the state Senate following a win in Tuesday’s election.

Jagler, R-Watertown, represents the 37th Assembly District. He will fill the 13th Senate District seat vacated by Scott Fitzgerald when he succeeded longtime Congressman F. James Sensenbrenner, who retired after 40 years.

Jagler received 4,757 votes in Jefferson County. County tallies for his opponents were: Democrat Melissa Winker, 3,872; Independent Spencer Zimmerman, 353; and Independent Ben Schmitz, 50.

The 13th Senate District includes a large portion of Jefferson County, including the Towns of Aztalan, Concord, Farmington, Ixonia, Lake Mills, Milford, Waterloo and Watertown; the Villages of Cambridge and Johnson Creek; Ward 11 in the City of Jefferson; and the Cities of Watertown, Lake Mills and Waterloo.

Melodee Ebbert, a pollworker at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building, checks in a voter during Tuesday’s spring general election.

Pollworker Michelle Whisner checks in voter Dwight Heaney at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Building Tuesday noon.

Fort Atkinson pollworker Bobbie Koch checks in Tom and Judy Schmidt of Fort Atkinson around noon Tuesday.

Chris Spangler photos. 

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