Scholarship offered by Fort Atkinson Woman’s Club; application deadline is March 31

The Fort Atkinson Woman’s Club has announced that it will be awarding its annual scholarship to an adult who is returning to education and who is planning to begin or continue a college or vocational technical program.

According to information released by the club, a successful grant recipient will be chosen among applicants who are working toward an associates, bachelors or masters degree. The tuition grant of $1000 will be paid directly to the campus selected by the recipient. The recipient will be expected to begin or continue studies in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Those interested in applying for the grant must be a resident of Fort Atkinson as defined by at least one of the following requirements:

• Fort Atkinson address or Fort Atkinson telephone number.

• Work for an employer based in Fort Atkinson.

• Past graduate of Fort Atkinson High School, and not a current high school senior.

Applicants also will be evaluated by financial needs and/or family circumstances, realistic goals and their personal determination to achieve the goals they have set, the release stated. 

Applications are available at MATC and Dwight Foster Public Library in Fort Atkinson, or by calling Karen Syens: 920-563-5169, Nancy Campbell: 920-563-5202, Sheree Cornford: 608-290-2423 or JoAnn Myers: 920-563-3767. A digital copy may be requested by emailing Applicants are instructed to place the word “scholarship” in the email subject line.

Applications must be returned to Syens, Campbell, Cornford or Myers by March 31. 

The recipient of the grant will be notified by early May and receive the award at the Woman’s Club luncheon meeting on May 9 at the Dwight Foster Public Library, the release noted. 

Recipients of the Fort Atkinson Woman’s Club annual scholarship awards from last year are Abby Sine, from left, and Anthony Galston. Each received $1,000. A deadline for applicants for this year’s award is March 31. File photo/Contributed. 

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