United Way offering Equity Challenge

The United Way of Jefferson & North Walworth Counties has joined forces with the United Way of Wisconsin to offer a statewide 21-Week Equity Challenge available at no cost to all community members.

“Our United Way is grateful to be able to participate in, and help promote, this amazing educational series offered by the United Way of Wisconsin,” stated Megan Hartwick, local United Way executive director. “The 21 Week-Equity Challenge will provide a powerful opportunity for individuals to develop a deeper understanding of how inequity and racism affect all of our lives and our communities.”

The challenge began Monday, Feb. 1, to kick off Black History Month, and it continues with weekly Monday emails through June 21. 

Each week, participants receive emails focused on a specific topic, taking them through a journey that starts with understanding internalized racism and explores how racism permeates person-to-person interactions, institutions, and social structures.

“United Way believes that participation in this educational challenge will help deepen understanding, suggest ways to act, and help launch people into a lifelong commitment to improving equity and inclusion in our communities,” Hartwick said.

Themes being covered in the weekly emails will range from definition and general concepts, internalized racism, interpersonal racism, institutional racism and structural racism. The content includes an action related to reading, watching or listening to information; asks participants to reflect using provided questions; and invites learners to continue their work through suggested follow-up behaviors. Notetaking sheets and a general guide for group discussions also are provided.

United Way encourages community members to register and is suggests that other community organizations and local businesses considering registering members and employees, in an effort to expand upon their work related to racial inequity.

The local United Way is participating in the challenge, with the director, some board members and volunteers involved.

“Our United Way’s mission is to fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in our communities. That mission calls on us to confront any challenges and disparities that exist within our communities related to those building blocks for a strong quality of life,” Hartwick said. “Within our pillars of focus — health, education and financial stability — we are learning more about how residents in our communities face racial and ethnic disparities.

“Most importantly, we are eager to learn more about how our work can address those barriers and how we can involve others in that work.”

The challenge is hosted by the United Way of Wisconsin, with full and active participation from the local United Way. 

Residents are encouraged to visit the United Way of Wisconsin platform to register:  www.unitedwaywi.org/equity. The link also can be found on our local United Way’s Facebook page and website at www.uwjnwc.com.

Participants are encouraged to follow the Facebook pages for both United Way of Wisconsin (@unitedwaywi) and United Way of Jefferson & North Walworth Counties (@uwjnwc), and to share their own participation and learning experience throughout the 21 weeks.

Any questions, comments or requests for further information can be directed to the United Way office at( 920) 0563-8880 or unitedway@idcnet.com. 

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