30th annual Ernie Pope Art Show to begin May 18

Editor’s note: An earlier press release and the event’s current poster have noted the start of the Ernie Pope Art show as May 17. While the art will be installed on Main Street on that date, organizers have suggested that viewers come beginning Tuesday, May 18, to allow time for the full installation of work to be completed. 

The 30th annual Ernie Pope Art Show will be displayed in the windows of Fort Atkinson’s Main Street businesses and online on the School District of Fort Atkinson’s k-12 art website between May 18 and June 1. 

The art website can be found at 1fortart.com.

“(School district) parents (and) faculty, FCCU (Fort Community Credit Union) and AC Business Media associates, community members and friends are all invited to walk our lovely downtown, view student artworks, and celebrate the creativity and hard work of our student artists,” FCCU Director of Marketing Olivia Reinke noted in a recent press release.    

The School District of Fort Atkinson schools and St. Joseph’s Catholic School will each be represented by 15 student works.

“This art exhibit is a means of recognizing outstanding student creativity in artwork from our local schools,” Reinke noted. 

Certificates and monetary awards will be presented to winners during a June 1 closing reception to be held at 5:30 p.m. in Barrie Park.

Four local judges will select works to be awarded within six categories. Awards received by students will include: the Ernie Pope Award, the Gold Award, the Silver Award, the Bronze Award, the June Farrell award and Purchase Awards.

Additionally, there will be a popular “choice vote” this year. Community members are asked to take a moment to vote for their favorite piece using the QR codes hanging in the windows of the downtown galleries.

The event is sponsored by FCCU, AC Business Media, and Nasco.

Awards are secured through a fund donated to the Fort Community Foundation in memory of Ernie Pope, and an award sponsored by Robert Farrell in honor of his mother, June.

Some history

According to the release, the Cygnus Ernie Pope Scholastic Art Awards began 30 years ago. Ernie Pope, who worked for Johnson Hill Press, was a strong supporter of the arts. Pope believed that Fort Atkinson students had significant artistic talent and he wanted to encourage it.  He approached the art teachers at the time and proposed the scholastic art awards.

Sadly, Pope succumbed to cancer, but the show has continued, the release noted.  

Pictured is the poster for the 30th Annual Ernie Pope Art Show. Organizers have asked event-goers to arrive beginning May 18 rather than May 17 to give organizers time to install the full show. Photo submitted. 

Among pieces that will be included in the show is this acrylic painting by Fort Atkinson High School student Alice Van Haaften. The piece is titled: “Bird Rib.” 

The show, which will feature a variety of art forms, includes this piece by Fort Atkinson High School student Dania Saucedo, titled: “Jelly.” The piece is made using enamel over copper. 

Also appearing in the show is this piece, titled: “Wonder.” The charcoal portrait is the work of Fort Atkinson High School student José Payano. 

“Hip-Hop,” by Fort Atkinson High School student Maya Williams will also be featured in the show. Submitted photos above represent examples of the full selection of art that will be made available for viewing between May 18 and June 1. 

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