Show, featuring Cambridge, Fort, Jefferson, Lake Mills, Whitewater artists, to open

The Hoard Historical Museum, Fort Atkinson, has announced that it will be hosting the 50th Annual Art Show and Sale, featuring works created by members of the Black Hawk Artists group. Members within the group hail from Cambridge, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Lake Mills and Whitewater.

The museum is located at 401 Whitewater Ave.

According to the release, the show will kickoff with an opening reception on Sunday, Nov. 5, between 1 and 4 p.m.

Works will be made available for viewing through Thursday, Nov. 16, during the museum’s regular hours of operation: Tuesdays through Saturdays, between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

As noted within the release, the Black Hawk Artists is a group of 13 women “who specialize or focus in a variety of artistic media and techniques.”

While the group traditionally maintains the same number of members, the individual artists have varied over the years, the release stated, adding that in previous years, the group has counted among its members such artists as Mary Hoard, Jorn Mork, Marian Bell, Jean Tyler and Carol Bonnet.

In 2023, members of the group include: Jan Gilkey, Priscilla Heussner, Judith Henning, Jan Holewinski, Julia Ince, Sally Koehler, Mary Pratt, and Angela Hamele Szabo, each of whom is from Fort Atkinson, along with Janet Nelson and Mary Wallace, both of Cambridge; Karen Gomez of Jefferson; Karen Crosby of Lake Mills, and Linda Tump of Whitewater.

Over the course of the last 50 years, the release stated, the group has “routinely” met, during which time members have discussed “a new piece” or “one recently completed.”

Annually, the group offers one public art show, during which attendees may also purchase art.

According to the release, “all 50 of the Black Hawk Artists shows have been hosted by the Hoard Historical Museum.”

Additionally, the release noted, this year’s show will feature more than 100 new artworks created by the group’s current members.

Each year, according to the release, the group selects a theme to interpret. Each artist is asked to create a piece using that theme as inspiration and, during the show, the theme-based art is collectively displayed on a “theme wall.”

In honor of its 50th anniversary, this year, the group chose the theme “golden.” 

Those attending the opening reception this year will be invited to participate in the 50th anniversary milestone with cake. Also planned is a slide show, depicting the group’s history by highlighting previous members, which will be available for viewing.

Musical groups, provided through the Fort Atkinson High School, will be on hand to provide entertainment, the release noted.

Life-sized copper enameled butterflies are among works to be placed on display next month during the 50th anniversary art show featuring pieces produced by 13 Black Hawk Artists members and hosted at the Hoard Historical Museum. The butterflies are the work of Fort Atkinson resident Angie Hamele Szabo.  

A work created by Fort Atkinson resident and Black Hawk Artists member Jan Gilkey is among those planned for display next month as part of the group’s 50th anniversary exhibition. 

Black Hawk Artists group member Jan Holewinski, Fort Atkinson, shares her work. The piece is among those slated for viewing as part of the group’s annual art show to be held in November. 

Jefferson resident and Black Hawk Artist group member Karen Gomez notes within a recent news release, that she “continues to experiment with translucent collages that are framed on stands so that natural light shines through each work.” She shared an example of her work. 

A ceramic piece created by Fort Atkinson resident and Black Hawk Artist group member Mary Pratt will be among items on display during the upcoming 50th Black Hawk Artists show.  

Contributed photos. 

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