Keys to the election of your congressman, your voice in Washington DC

Letter to the editor:

No I mean it. Real keys. The kind that opens doors and starts cars.

The first key is a door key in the hand of incumbent Scott Fitzgerald. It is December 2020. The true electors were to meet that day with Governor Evers to certify that Joe Biden had won Wisconsin and the 10 electors met to formally sign papers and finalize the state’s result. But a set of fake electors, hoodwinked by lawyers and officials of the Trump campaign, were getting ready to meet as well. They were secretly acting as a set of alternate electors, signing the 10 Wisconsin votes to Trump, but one problem for these law-abiding faux-officials – the law required the signing to be done in the State Capital. Here is where Fitzgerald comes into the picture. He never has given details, but he, as the very recent leader of the Wisconsin State senate and wrecking-ball of the Scott Walker administration, he still had a key! He opened the door to this chicanery.

He went on to other deeds as his first acts as newly elected Congressman from WI District 5. He voted not to certify results from other states on January 6th as part of the Trump Stop-the-Steal malicious effort.

The second key is one that started an ambulance in Lake Mills. It is held by Ben Steinhoff, working as an Emergency Medical Technician during the worst of the COVID crisis. He had to deal with supply shortages and very sick patients that needed to be sent to hospitals around the area. He felt the lack of materials needed to give proper care and dealt with the lack of funding for emergency services at the time. He resolved then to raise awareness of the unstable funding and uncertain support of 9-1-1 services in Wisconsin. This issue and others led him to run for Congress to make real changes and be a voice for the people of the District.

There is a third key. It opens the door to the Wisconsin District 5 Congressman’s office in the halls of the Capital. The nameplate says “Scott Fitzgerald”. Does he deserve to hold this office? Or can we change the nameplate to “Ben Steinhoff”?

Ben Adams

Town of Watertown

File photo/Kim McDarison 

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