Jury finds Fort dog trainer guilty of cruelty

By Kim McDarison

A Fort Atkinson dog trainer who was accused of strangling to death a client’s dog in her care was convicted Friday during a jury trial. 

A sentencing hearing has been set by the Jefferson County Circuit Court for Dec. 8, at 8:30 a.m. 

Tammy Flemming faces fines up to $10,000, up to three years of incarceration, or both. 

Flemming, who was charged with a Felony I crime of mistreatment of animals/cause death in 2021 appeared in person Friday before a jury for trial, with Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge Robert F. Dehring, Jr., presiding. 

The complaint against Flemming was filed with the circuit court on Nov. 19, 2020, according to court documentation. 

According to court records, an initial criminal complaint in the matter was filed with the Jefferson County Circuit Court on Oct. 28, 2020. 

After “Cooper,” the client’s dog died, court records show, Flemming was charged by the state with intentionally mistreating animals, a misdemeanor crime. 

On Oct. 29, 2020, Flemming was issued a summons ordering her to make an initial appearance within the Jefferson County Circuit Court on Nov. 30, 2020, at which time, court documents state, the court informed Flemming that the charges against her were being upgraded to that of a felony. A process was underway to close the misdemeanor case against her and open one with felony charges.

A signature bond of $1,000 was ordered for Flemming with the conditions that she not engage in any type of animal training and boarding, and she not care for any animals that she did not own. 

Flemming was ordered by the court to report to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office for booking and to the Jefferson County Clerk of Courts Office to sign the signature bond on Dec. 4, 2020. 

Failure to appear, the court stated, would bring a warrant for her arrest. 

During a March 2021 hearing, the court officially dismissed the initial misdemeanor case against Flemming and opened the state’s felony case. The conditions of the earlier ordered signature bond remained in place. 

A preliminary hearing for the felony case was scheduled for April 13, 2021. 

During Friday’s trial, the court, after reviewing the defendant’s history, status and filings, continued bond with its previously determined monetary conditions, according to information presented on the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website. 

According to information provided, the jury deliberated for approximately one hour before reaching its guilty verdict. 

As previously reported by Fort Atkinson Online, on Sept. 10, 2020, Janesville resident Lindsey Davidson, the owner of an 8-month-old puppy named “Cooper,” made a call for assistance to the Fort Atkinson Police Department. Davidson told officers that she believed her puppy had been subjected to cruelty. She had been presented that night with the lifeless body of her puppy after Fort Atkinson dog trainer Tammy Flemming told Davidson, Davidson alleged, that she had mistakenly used too much force while engaged with the puppy in a training exercise. 

Flemming was taken into custody in March of 2021 and charged with one felony count of mistreatment of animals/causing death. After a short time in the Jefferson County Jail, she was released on a $1,000 signature bond. 

In June, 2021, Flemming failed to appear for a scheduled arraignment hearing prompting the court to issue a judgement in the amount of the bond. Flemming next failed to appear at the bond forfeiture hearing and the court issued a warrant for her arrest. 

On Aug. 4. 2021, Capt. Jeff Davis, then of the Fort Atkinson Police Department, now retired, confirmed that Flemming had been taken into custody the night before. She had been located in Illinois, Davis said. 

A story about the arrest is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/fort-dog-trainer-with-warrant-apprehended-in-illinois/

In September, 2021, after the completion of a court-ordered competency hearing, a motion to reduce the amount of Flemming’s bail was entered. On Oct. 8, 2021, the court modified its cash bond from $10,000 to $2,500, and found Flemming competent to proceed with a trial. Flemming posted bond on Oct. 8. 

According to court records, a pretrial conference was set for Oct. 27, 2021, and an arraignment was scheduled for Dec. 2. 

On Dec. 2, 2021, Flemming entered a plea of “not guilty” to the charge against her and the court scheduled a final status conference for Feb. 22, 2022, and a one-day jury trial scheduled for Feb. 28, 2022. 

On Sept. 8, 2022, the jury trial was rescheduled for Nov. 11, 2022. 

In an interview with Fort Atkinson Online last summer, Davidson described her emotions during the legal process. The interview is here: https://fortatkinsononline.com/process-through-the-court-system-has-been-long-and-emotional-says-owner-of-deceased-pup/

“Cooper” and Lindsey Davidson. Photo supplied. 

Herman’s Hangout, LLC., Fort Atkinson, is the former facility from which dog trainer Tammy Flemming operated.  Flemming was convicted Friday of felony animal cruelty charges following the death in 2020 of an 8-month-old husky. File photo/Chris Spangler. 

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