The Janesville branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has announced that it will be hosting an in-person and virtual presentation focusing on gun violence.
According to information released by the group, the presentation, titled: “Gun Violence and Common-Sense Gun Reform,” will be presented by Joan Fitzgerald and Tracey Sherr. Both are members of the Whitewater Area Moms Demand Action group.
The release stated: “The U.S. exceeded 100 mass shootings in the first 64 days of 2023. Most of us were shocked and saddened to hear about the shootings in Monterey Park, Calif., Michigan State University, Half Moon Bay, Calif., and others.”
During the presentation, Fitgerald and Sherr will provide national and Wisconsin statistics on gun violence and Moms Demand Action initiatives to end gun violence and promote common-sense gun reform, the release stated.
The presentation will be held in conjunction with the Janesville branch of the AAUW’s meeting, which will be held Tuesday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m., at the Janesville Woman’s Club, 108 S. Jackson St.
Those who would like to attend virtually may use the following link: pwd=U2VwUm1sQWtpWEE0NnZhaEtxYUxyUT09.
The AAUW meeting is open to the public, according to the release.
About AAUW
According to information provided on the AAUW website, the group was founded in 1881 by 65 alumnae of eight colleges, the American Association of University Women was envisioned as a network of women dedicated to opening the doors of higher education to women, and to uniting “alumnae of different institutions for practical educational work.” AAUW is the largest and oldest national organization working for the advancement of women and education. The national membership consists of a network of over 1,800 branches with over 143,000 educated women who are using their education in the service of women and society.
The University of Wisconsin was one of the original eight institutions whose graduates were eligible for full membership in the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, now known as AAUW. The State AAUW organization started in 1921 with nine branches, and today has approximately 3,900 members in 49 branches.
The Janesville Branch of AAUW, chartered in 1923, typically holds its meetings on the fourth Tuesday of the month, September through May, at the Woman’s Club, 108 South Jackson Street. The monthly branch meetings consist of a brief business meeting and a program focusing on an issue of concern to AAUW members. Prospective members are welcomed as guests at branch meetings and several meetings during the year are open to the public.
Additionally, the branch organizes special interest groups for its members to provide an opportunity for members to interact and learn. For more information visit
Joan Fitzgerald
Tracey Sherr
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