AAUW scholarships for women available

The Fort Atkinson Community Foundation has announced that three American Association of University Women (AAUW)  scholarships, with awards totaling almost $20,000 for the 2021-22 school year, are available to women who either reside in the School District of Fort Atkinson, are employed in  Fort Atkinson or are a graduate of Fort Atkinson High School.  

These three AAUW scholarships — the Second Chance, the Jane Shaw Knox  Undergraduate Scholarship and the Jane Shaw Knox Graduate scholarships — work to  provide financial assistance to women at every level of post-secondary education. 

AAUW’s Second Chance Scholarship is offered to women who plan to continue their  education at a vocational or technical college, after having been out of the mainstream of  education for more than one year. Preference may be given to women who are in financial  need or who have assumed family financial responsibilities.  

AAUW’s Jane Shaw Knox Undergraduate Scholarship is offered to women who are  pursuing a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college or university, have at least 45 credit  hours completed, and are planning to enroll for a minimum of six credit hours for  consecutive semesters. Preference will be given to women who have financial need, have  family financial responsibilities, and/or who are returning to higher education to pursue a  degree after an absence.

The Jane Shaw Knox Graduate Scholarship is offered to women who are pursuing a  graduate degree at an accredited college. Preference may be given to women who are in  financial need, assuming family financial responsibilities and/or returning to higher  education to pursue a degree. 

To apply for these scholarships or to learn more about them, students should visit  www.fortfoundation.org and follow the links to the scholarship pages. There, applicants will be guided to “Fort Scholarships,” an online application website that will walk them through the application process. 

The deadline for receipt of completed applications for all three AAUW scholarships is  April 1, 2021.  

Recipients of the scholarships will be notified of their selection sometime in the late spring of 2021. The scholarships will be available to pay tuition for the 2021-22 school  year and will be paid directly to the bursar’s office at the school.  

Jane Shaw Knox was a charter and life member of the local AAUW branch. Following  her death in 1987, the Knox family established a memorial fund through the Fort Atkinson  Community Foundation for the AAUW Undergraduate Scholarship Fund. In appreciation of her friendship, leadership and many contributions to AAUW, the Graduate Scholarship also  was named in her honor. 

This year, the Knox Scholarship Fund has been supplemented by gifts to the fund in memory of the late Betty Goodman, a Fort Atkinson resident and longtime AAUW member for whom education for women was a passion.  

For more information about the AAUW scholarships, contact Sue Hartwick, executive  director of the Community Foundation, at (920) 563-3210 (office), (920) 222-1191  (mobile), or via email at facf@fortfoundation.org. 

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