The Jefferson County Health Department is holding a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinic for children age 12-15 on Thursday, May 20.
The clinic will take place from 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. at the Johnson Creek Premium Outlet Center, 575 W. Linmar Lane, #A40, Johnson Creek (next to the Nike Outlet Store).
Parental consent is required; both written and verbal are acceptable.
The vaccination is free and no insurance or I.D. is required. No appointments are necessary, although the vaccine supply might be limited.
For more information, contact
The Associated Press reported that US regulators on Monday expanded the use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to children as young as 12, offering a way to protect the nation’s adolescents before they head back to school in the fall and paving the way for them to return to more normal activities.
Most COVID-19 vaccines worldwide have been authorized for adults. Pfizer’s vaccine is being used in multiple countries for teens as young as 16, and Canada recently became the first to expand use to 12 and up, according to the AP.
“This is a watershed moment in our ability to fight back the COVID-19 pandemic,” Dr. Bill Gruber, a Pfizer senior vice president who’s also a pediatrician, told The Associated Press.
The Food and Drug Administration declared that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and offers strong protection for younger teens based on testing of more than 2,000 US volunteers ages 12 to 15, the AP reported. The agency noted there were no cases of COVID-19 among fully vaccinated adolescents compared with 16 among kids given dummy shots. More intriguing, researchers found the kids developed higher levels of virus-fighting antibodies than earlier studies measured in young adults.
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