The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Jefferson County is offering several upcoming in August and November.
“We wanted to share (these dates) ahead of time so that you can save the dates,” said Dementia Care Specialist Heather Jones in a recent press release.
Events are open to everyone; no county residence required, she said.
Programs include: a virtual presentation of “Not the Same Person: What to Expect in Dementia.”
In this presentation, Dr. Alexis Eastman, from UW-Madison, will be speaking about the progression of dementia in terms of function and behaviors and sharing different approaches to addressing concerning behaviors. The presentation is available Aug. 5, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Registration information is on the attached flyer.
A second virtual presentation: “Humor and Caregiving” by Teepa Snow, will being offered in celebration of National Caregiver’s month. Teepa will offer comments about how humor can be used during caregiving and how it can reenergize and refocus both the person with dementia and the caregiver. This presentation is offered Nov. 18, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Registration information is on the attached flyer.
To register for either presentation, which is required, call: 920-675-4035 or email:

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