‘Art on the Green’ in full swing Friday, events continue Saturday

Event-goers were treated to art for purchase, music and two demonstrations during “Art on the Green,” an art fair sponsored by the Whitewater Arts Alliance Friday.

The two-day fair will continue through Saturday, with a full slate of art-related activities. 

During the event, Taylor McDarison demonstrated use of a potter’s wheel, and Marilyn Fuerstenberg demonstrated techniques used in watercolor painting. The two artists also had work on display for purchase. 

Also on hand were several other area artists who had work for sale on display, including Lynette Redner, Luann Widergren, Amy Weh, Janet Nelson, Sylvia Linton, Susan Kotur, Barbara Mathews and Varla Bishop. 

Performing from an outdoor stage created on the steps of Whitewater’s Cultural Art Center were pianist Sophie Walton; Lannette Calhoun and Brian Leeper, both members of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Voice Academy and Voice Studios, and Whitewater High School singers under the direction of music teacher Karen Tordera.   

The art fair is being held in conjunction with the downtown Maxwell Street Day’s sidewalk sale. A schedule of events planned for Saturday is here: https://business.whitewaterchamber.com/events/details/maxwell-street-days-sidewalk-sale-art-walk-6781

Following are photographs taken Friday. 

Local artist Barbara Mathews mans her booth at the “Art on the Green” two-day fair which is running at the Cultural Art Center in Whitewater through Saturday. 

Above two photos: Local artist Varla Bishop displays her art which also includes decorated jean jackets. 

Fort Atkinson artist Amy Weh shares her piece “Neon Mohawk,” depicting a ruby-crowned kinglet, which, she said, is a vulnerable species in Wisconsin. 

The green space in front the Whitewater Cultural Arts Center is alive with activity during the “Art on the Green” fair sponsored by the Whitewater Arts Alliance. The two-day event continues through Saturday, Aug. 7. 

Local artist Sylvia Linton holds a piece of her work which, she said, was among her favorites. The piece is called “Mother Nature Sleeps in the Green Fields of Summer.” 

Local artist Sylvia Linton enjoys lunch in her booth. 

Local artists Lynette Redner, at left, and Luann Widergren share a tent in which they display their art. 

The work of local artist Lynette Redner greets event-goers as they enter the green in front of the Cultural Arts Center in Whitewater. 

Whitewater Arts Alliance gallery intern Emily Omernik, at right, helps an event-goer sign up as a new member of the Whitewater Arts Alliance. 

Event-goers visit near the Birge Fountain, which serves as centerpiece on the lawn in front of the Cultural Arts Center in Whitewater. 

Local artist Marilyn Fuerstenberg demonstrates her technique when making watercolor paintings. 

Above two photos: Local artist Taylor McDarison demonstrates use of a potter’s wheel. Several creations are made and set to dry during the demonstration. 

Local artist Susan Kotur displays art for sale in her booth. 

Local artist Taylor McDarison takes a break from demonstrating the use of a potter’s wheel to share art for sale in her booth. 

Credited with helping to recruit talent for the fair, Dr. Rachel Wood, assistant professor of music at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, enjoys a performance. 

Above two photos: Students from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Voice Academy and Voice Studios Lannette Calhoun and Brian Leeper perform.  

A Whitewater High School singer performs with accompaniment from teacher Karen Tordera. 

A young event-goer listens to the music. 

Kim McDarison photos. 

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One Comment

  1. Amy Weh

    Thank you for such a great article supporting the Arts in our area. Keep up the great work!! We need more of this!!

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