The United Way of Jefferson & North Walworth Counties will open its annual pillar grant funding application at 9 a.m. on Monday, March 22. The application will remain open until 5 p.m. Friday, April 23, with award decisions announced by Friday, May 14. “Our United Way is so excited to...
Author: editor
Our Take: Just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you shouldn’t mask up
With 11 percent of eligible Wisconsinites having been vaccinated against the coronavirus, and another 9.4 percent awaiting their second dose, we’re seeing more and more Facebook posts by grandparents looking forward to being able to hug their loved ones again. That’s understandable, since it’s been a full year since the...
Off The Record: You’re a grand old flag!
By Chris SpanglerBeing home more due to COVID-19, it is amazing how many package deliveries I’ve been seeing in the neighborhood. If it isn’t the U.S. Postal Service (on a Sunday, even!), then its FedEx, UPS, Amazon Prime, Speedee or some other delivery service slowly cruising by to read addresses.The...
Easter activities planned in Fort
The Easter Bunny and Floyd the Badger will be headlining springtime children’s activities in Fort Atkinson.On Wednesday, March 31, the Fort Atkinson Parks and Recreation Department will present Easter Express, a drive-through event at Ralph Park.It will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. or while supplies last.Each participant will...
Fort Atkinson High School academic achievement awards presented
Editor's note: The School District of Fort Atkinson recently updated its link to the 32nd Annual Academic Awards Program. The new link includes two previously missing slides showing tenth grade students earning a certificate and two stars. The new link and two slides have been added to this story. By Kim...
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