Larry Reuhl
Author: editor
Whitewater Common Council, school board candidates forums set
The League of Women Voters of the Whitewater Area will be hosting two virtual candidate forums, Saturday, March 13, in advance of the April 6 Spring Election. The first forum, for City of Whitewater Common Council candidates, will be held in the morning, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The second...
Welcome to our new advertiser: Fort Real Estate Company
Fort Atkinson Online LLC would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thank you to our new advertiser: Fort Real Estate Company, located at 407 Robert St. The new click-through ad is here, and can be found on our business directory located on our business page, found here.
Fort senior center fends off coronavirus blues
By Chris Spangler Contributor Right, left, step and turn, toe-heel, toe-heel. Right, left, step and turn, toe-heel, toe-heel. Quarter-touch, right-touch, back-touch, left-touch. Right-together-right, and left-together-left ... It’s Friday afternoon and three women are learning how to line dance at the Fort Atkinson Senior Center. There are a few missteps (and...
North Shore Chophouse Polar Bear Plunge team among state’s top fundraisers
By Kim McDarison Fundraising for the 2021 Wisconsin Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge closed Friday and members of the North Shore Chophouse six-member team jumped into the frigid waters of Lake Koshkonong on Sunday, Chophouse manager and plunge team captain Sarah Hausmann said. The team raised over $3,500 for Wisconsin’s...
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