Barbara DonahueMarlene Radtke Thomas Lyon Ann Ward
Author: editor
March 15 deadline for Grants for Girls applications
By Chris Spangler Contributor The deadline is fast approaching to apply for Grants for Gals, a nontraditional scholarship to help local girls and women meet an educational, cultural, leadership or professional advancement need. The grant is offered by members of the Fort Atkinson Branch of the American Association of University Women...
City: recently received block grant funds to be used for water main replacement
Editor's note: Information received today by email from the City of Fort Atkinson states the following: On March 2, 2021 the City of Fort Atkinson was announced as a recipient of Community Development Block Grant for CLOSE Public Facilities (CDBG-CL-PF) funds by the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration in...
Area obituaries posted on March 8
Roxanne Taylor-HundtMargery Schmitt
Off The Record: Let everyone know Fort’s historic watertower’s the best in Wisconsin
By Chris Spangler Contributor When I first came to Fort Atkinson more than four decades ago, the city’s skyline was punctuated by two “spires.” One was of the clocktower at St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church and the other, the neighboring watertower built in 1901.Now, the watertower looked rather different than...
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