Badgerland After School Enrichment Program (BASE) has announced it will be hosting the annual “Wings and Wheels Fly-In Breakfast” Sunday, June 5, from 8 a.m. to noon.
The event will be held at the Chemair Helicopter hangar located at the Fort Atkinson Municipal Airport on Hwy K between Fort Atkinson and Jefferson.
According to information released by the organizers, the event is sponsored by Jones Dairy Farm and features a traditional all-you-can-eat country-style breakfast cooked by Jones Dairy Farm. The menu includes French toast, pure maple syrup, Jones sausage, coffee, juice and milk. The cost for the breakfast is $8 for adults and $5 for children ages 12 and under, with children 2 and under eating free. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
The morning will feature vintage rides and new glides car show, plane rides, a 50/50 raffle and BASE will be announcing their 2022 BASE Kid of the Year. In partnership with the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce and Fort Community Credit Union, the 2022 Lemonade Day Entrepreneur of the Year will also be announced at 10 a.m., the release stated.
Local pilots are also donating their aircraft and piloting skills to provide airplane rides for purchase to support BASE. Airplane rides are $40 for 1 passenger, $60 for 2 passengers or $80 for 3 passengers and all proceeds will benefit BASE and its after school programs.
“Community members with cool cars and motorcycles are invited to put their vehicles on display at the event,” the release noted.
In addition to Jones Dairy Farm and Chemair, IPEC and Johnson Financial Group are top sponsors for the event. Other sponsors include Fort HealthCare, Fort Tax Service, Festival Foods, Spacesaver, Badger Bank, Business and Tax Systems, Clout Inc., Day Insurance, FCCU, MSI, Premier Bank, Rock River Dental and W & A Distribution.
For more information about BASE special events and becoming a sponsor, visit
About BASE
According to the release, the Badgerland After School Enrichment Program, formerly the Boys and Girls Clubs of Fort Atkinson, was established in 2005 to provide the children of Fort Atkinson a positive place for after school. BASE programs help young people find positive alternatives to negative influences, especially during the critical after-school hours from 3 to 6 p.m. when juvenile crime doubles. BASE currently serves over 150 members who attend Purdy, Luther, Rockwell and Barrie Elementary School. BASE also offers summer wrap care for kids 7 and older and a Junior Staff program to Middle School students interesting in volunteering. For more information about BASE and how to get involved, visit

Three photos above: Participants at a previously held Wings and Wheels Fly-In Breakfast enjoy the morning’s activities. Contributed photos.
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