Click the word “Business” to see stories in the business category.
Our advertisers
Each ad in this directory clicks through to the advertiser’s website. Please support our local businesses, and tell them you saw their advertisement on!
Interested in an ad?
Fort Atkinson Online began operations on Feb. 1, 2021, so we still consider ourselves new and are building our site’s traffic. Currently we average around 60,000 visits a month to the site. Our goal is to continue to offer affordable advertising options to the communities we serve. We offer a “directory ad” advertising package that costs $30 per quarter (three-month period) for click-through ads like the ones you see on this page.
Here’s how it works: you can design your own ad and email it to us at The block must be 250 x 250 pixels set at a resolution of 72. (Those are the specs of the ads you see on the page.)
The image (at right) shows settings for the ads.
Or, we can snap a new or use an existing image of you or your business and we can turn that image into your ad.
We can also use camera-ready art of your logo and develop that into a block ad.
All ads (tiles or images) placed in the directory will click through to your website or facebook page, whichever you specify. There is only room for one.
Just send us the URL along with your image.
Convenient billing: To pay for your ad, we ask that you use the “Donate button” found in any post on this site. The donate button will instruct you to send money using PayPal or credit card. (We are not a nonprofit organization; we are a for-profit business. There are no tax breaks associated with using a “donate” button on this site, and we pay taxes on funds coming through the donate button like any other form of income.)
While the button says “donate,” it will post to us as your advertising payment.
Don’t like online billing? We can also accept a check by regular mail. Email us for details.
Directory ads are not prorated, meaning that if you place an ad after the quarter has started, the cost remains the same.
Quarters run as follows: First quarter: January, February March; second quarter: April, May, June; third quarter: July, August, September; and fourth quarter: October, November, December.
We will check our PayPal invoice at the beginning of each quarter. Ad payments are due on the first day of the first month of each quarter, or at the time you place the ad.
Fort Atkinson Online does not have an invoicing process, and asks for our advertisers’ help in maintaining payment schedules.
We will send an invoice upon a customer’s request.
After placement, continuing ads that have not been paid for after the end of the first week of the first month within each quarter will be hidden from the site. Ads will be reinstated at the time of payment.
Second Front page ad option:
We also offer click-through ads on our front (landing) page sidebar. These ads are different from the “directory ad” package. The specs for the front page ads are the same as the directory ads, and come at a cost of $50 per month.
This option appeals to those who need advertising for a limited time. Perhaps you have a job listing needed for two weeks, or an upcoming special event. Ads using this program are prorated. Costs are $15 for one week; $25 for two weeks, and $35 for three weeks. Payment is due at the time of ad placement.
All ads placed with Fort Atkinson Online, LLC, will receive a “welcome advertiser” post, which travels through the top five blocks on the front page, and will appear in the “business category” section and alongside stories within each individual post.
At Fort Atkinson Online, we believe all ships rise together.