By Kim McDarison Fort Atkinson High School was packed to the brim with performers, volunteers, students and other guests from across a four-state region as it hosted the "28th Annual Fort Showcase," a competition for high school and middle school show choirs. This year, 18 high school show choirs, including...
Category: Art, culture
Paid advertisement: Fireside Theatre to present ‘Jersey Boys’
The Fireside Theatre, 1131 Janesville Ave., Fort Atkinson, will be presenting “Jersey Boys,” now through Feb. 25.With phenomenal music, memorable characters, and great storytelling, JERSEY BOYS follows the fascinating evolution of four blue-collar kids who became one of the greatest successes in pop-music history. Winner of the Tony Award for...
FAO goes ‘On Location’ to have a peek at art by Amy Weh; meet new alliance director
This installment of “On Location” features a short interview with Kim Adams who serves as the recently installed Whitewater Arts Alliance gallery director. Adams talks about her interest in art, her plans for the gallery, changes already in place, membership, and an exhibit installed this month featuring the work of...
Fort Atkinson Beautification Council postpones ‘visioning session’
Fort Atkinson Beautification Council President Jude Hartwick announced Monday that the group is postponing its previously scheduled “visioning session” due to Tuesday’s anticipated snowstorm. According to an earlier release, the brainstorming event was to take place Tuesday at the Dwight Foster Public Library, 209 Merchants Ave., Fort Atkinson. The event...
Beautification Council of Fort Atkinson to hold ‘visioning session’
Editor's note: Due to inclement weather, this event has been postponed and will instead by held Tuesday, Jan. 30. The Beautification Council of Fort Atkinson has announced that it will be holding a “visioning session” to discuss future projects. According to information released by the group, the public is invited to...
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