Business, Government

Chamber-sponsored ‘candidates interview’ planned

By Kim McDarison  The Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce and Jefferson Chamber of Commerce have announced that they will be hosting “Assembly Candidate Interviews” Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Jefferson County Fair Park Activity Center, 503 N. Jackson Ave., Jefferson.  According to information released by the groups, the event...

Business, County

Rainbow Community Care receives $1,000 donation from Oconomowoc-based ORBIS Corporation

ORBIS Corporation, a worldwide organization that manufactures reusable packaging, with headquarters in Ocomonowoc, recently presented Rainbow Community Care with a donation of $1,000. The presentation was made in August. The local palliative and guided care organization serves rural southern Wisconsin. Proceeds donated to Rainbow Community Care were achieved in July...


Thirteen graduate from Workforce Development Leadership Academy 

Thirteen individuals identified as leaders within their respective companies graduated Monday from the Workforce Development Leadership Academy. The academy, which offers a variety of leadership-oriented workshops to selected participants, is conducted at Opportunities, Inc., Fort Atkinson. The academy is further supported by the Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin...