Fort Atkinson Online LLC would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thank you to our new advertiser: The Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce Holiday Gift Shop. The Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce is located at 244 N.Main St., in Fort Atkinson. The new click-through ad for...
Category: Business
Welcome to our new advertiser: Fort Family Dental
Fort Atkinson Online LLC would like to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thank you to our new advertiser: Fort Family Dental, located at 715 Sherman Ave. E., in Fort Atkinson. The new click-through ad is here, and can be found on our business directory located on our business page, found...
FCCU recognized for service to Hispanic immigrant communities
By Chris SpanglerFort Community Credit Union has received a national Juntos Avanzamos/Together We Advance designation in recognition of its service to the area’s Hispanic and immigrant communities.Edgar Hernandez, a manager of CUNA Mutual Group in Madison, presented a proclamation from Inclusiv to FCCU and its branches during the Fort Fall...
Opportunities Fulfillment and Training Center holds open house Thursday
The Opportunities Inc. Fulfillment and Training Center will hold a public open house Thursday, Sept. 23. Located in the former Badger Press property at 100 East Blackhawk Drive in Fort Atkinson, the center is inviting area residents to “come and see our mission at work.” Tours will be offered from...
Fort chamber celebrates Chamber of Commerce Month
On the tail of its new traveling billboard reveal, the Fort Atkinson Area Chamber of Commerce has announced it will be celebrating Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce Month during September.The chamber is spending the entire month bringing attention to the services provided to members and the community. The semi wrap in partnership...
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