
Goldberg joins FAC as new board member

The Fort Atkinson Club (FAC) has announced that Alan Goldberg has joined the organization as a new board member.  According to information recently released by the club, Goldberg is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) School of Architecture and Planning and the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of...


Hearts to present ‘No Mow May’ seminar at Garden Expo

Three members of Fort Atkinson’s Heart of the City will be presenting a seminar at PBS’ Wisconsin Garden and Landscape Expo in Madison, according to information released by the nonprofit group.  Frankie Fuller, Margaret Schroeder and Barbara Brouwer will present “Bee-friendly: How ‘No Mow May’ Protects Pollinators and How You...

Business, Community

Fort Atkinson Online available on Twitter is expanding its reach. Adding to our social media presence, which includes Facebook, we are now also available to Twitter platform users at @FAOnlinenews.  Also available is the “Twitter” button found below at the bottom of each story posted on our site. To share any story on our site to...