The Rock River Community Clinic (RRCC) in Whitewater hosted last month a gathering of donors responsible for helping it obtain a common Electronic Medical Record System (EMR). The new system brought clinics within an established network together through a connected system, providing better efficiency and continuity, according to a recent...
Category: Community
Eight women awarded Fort AAUW scholarships
The Fort Atkinson Community Foundation and Fort Atkinson Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) have announced the recipients of three AAUW scholarships available to women studying for vocational/technical, undergraduate and graduate degrees. While the foundation manages the two scholarship funds that provide the scholarships, it is the...
Registration underway for Lemke Legacy 5k run/walk in Fort Aug. 21
By Chris Spangler Registration is underway for the inaugural Lemke Legacy 5k run/walk to take place in Fort Atkinson Saturday, Aug. 21, at Fort Atkinson’s Jones Park and its Glacial River Trail. Hosted by Hannah Filipiak of Beloit and Rose Filipiak of Oshkosh, the free, public event is slated for 10 a.m....
‘American Patriotic Pops’ concert attracts large audience to Barrie Park
The “American Patriotic Pops,” Fort Atkinson Community Band concert on Monday attracted a large audience to Barrie Park. The evening’s program included a potpourri of patriotic songs, selections by American composers and a poem titled “Bullets & Bravery,” written by Fort Atkinson’s “Radio Ron” Stelse. Band Director Wayne Crook offered...
Hoard Museum, National Dairy Shrine ice cream social is a Fourth of July success
The 46th annual Independence Day Ice Cream Social was a big success, said Hoard Historical Museum Director Merrilee Lee. The event started Saturday at 1 p.m. and by 2:15, she said, some 166 ice-cream-lovers, both young and old, had stopped by for a free ice cream sandwich. Organizers were hoping...
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