
Ball Corp supports BASE

Ball Corporation of Fort Atkinson recently made a $9,000 donation to Badgerland After School Enrichment Program (BASE) as part of its COVID-19 relief funding program.  Ball Corporation has supported BASE for many years with corporate sponsorships, event sponsorships and providing volunteer(s) for programs and special events.  BASE Executive Director Alicia...


Little Free Libraries scavenger hunt offered

Fort Atkinson-area residents have been tangled in technology at home for the past year, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and recent bitter cold. It’s time for a stretch and break!Stewards of Little Free Libraries in the City of Fort Atkinson are joining with the Little Free Library organization to partner...

Community, School

UW-Whitewater plans for in-person fall 2021 classes

Chancellor Dwight C. Watson has announced that the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s plans for the fall 2021 semester will include in-person classes and on-campus living and dining experiences as they were pre-pandemic. In addition, plans include athletics, arts and other expected activities.“We at UW-Whitewater are always focused on student support and success,”...