
Library receives CARES grant

Fort Atkinson’s Dwight Foster Public Library is among eight public libraries in Jefferson County and the 24 in the Bridges Library System to be awarded grants through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in 2020 for support in responding to the coronavirus...


Fort KCs serving take-out fish dinners

The Father Alfred Endres Council 3396 of the Knights of Columbus in Fort Atkinson will host three carside pick-up/carry-out baked fish dinners this month and next. They will be available at St. Joseph Catholic Church from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on three Fridays, Feb. 26 and March 5 and 19. ...


Wegner joins Rock River Heritage Board of Directors

Dave Wegner of Fort Atkinson has joined the Board of Directors of Rock River Heritage Inc.Rock River Heritage is a nonprofit organization that promotes historic renovation and adaptive re-use, as well as community-based programs. It is the founding organization of the Fort Atkinson Club, a community center overlooking the Rock River...