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Category: Community
Smithsonian ‘Habitat’ exhibition opens Sunday at Hoard Historical Museum
An exhibition developed by the Smithsonian Gardens and made available through the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, titled “Habitat,” will open Sunday at the Hoard Historical Museum, 401 Whitewater Ave., Fort Atkinson, according to information released by the museum. Within the release, Hoard Historical Museum Director Merrilee Lee noted that...
Illinois-based choir and handbell group to make tour stop in Fort
The First Congregational United Church of Christ, Fort Atkinson, has announced that the Illinois-based “Alleluia Sound" and "Good Vibrations” youth and handbell choirs will be performing at the church on Friday. According to information released by the church and performance groups, the Crystal Lake high-school-aged performers are embarking upon their...
Fort to participate in statewide tornado drill Thursday
The city of Fort Atkinson will be participating in a statewide tornado drill Thursday, according to information released by city officials Tuesday. The drill will take place at 1:45 and 6:45 p.m., the release stated. Fort Atkinson Emergency Management Director Daryl Rausch noted within the release that the drill offers...
Mary Hoard Art Show Part 2 winners announced
The 61st annual Mary Hoard Art Show featuring high school and adult entries is underway at the Hoard Historical Museum in Fort Atkinson.The Fort Atkinson exhibition kicked off Tuesday evening, with an opening reception and awards program.Winners, organized by category, follow. High School entries• 2-Dimensional: Varely Lopez, “Self Perception,” and Maia...
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