By Chris Spangler The Fort Atkinson City Council has reduced the speed limit on Banker Road from 45 miles per hour to 35. According to city officials, signs with the new speed limit have been placed, with the new limit officially taking effect Monday, Feb. 7. During its regular meeting...
Category: Government
Davis retires after 26-year law enforcement career
After 26 years of wearing the badge -- 25 of them with the Fort Atkinson Police Department -- Capt. Jeffery Davis retired Friday, according to information released by the Fort Atkinson Police Department. According to the release, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Davis made the decision to retire when he...
Fort City Council Voters Guide: candidates share experience, views
Compiled by Kim McDarison A spring general election will be held April 5. City of Fort Atkinson residents will find three candidates vying for two open Fort Atkinson City Council seats on the general election ballot. They are incumbent Bruce Johnson and challengers Ron Martin and Eric Schultz. Fort Atkinson...
City approves $2.27 million borrowing to fund capital improvement projects
By Chris SpanglerThe Fort Atkinson City Council has advanced borrowing $2.275 million to fund capital improvement projects and equipment purchases in 2022 and 2023.Meeting in regular session Tuesday, the council adopted a resolution providing for the sale of an approximately $2.275 million note anticipation note. It then will be refinanced through...
City announces $600,000 for startups; applications welcomed
The City of Fort Atkinson has announced that it is accepting applications from high-growth startups and emerging growth companies for the Capital Catalyst Revolving Loan Fund (CCRLF). Money within the CCRLF will be used to help stimulate the city’s economy, information released by the city states. According to the...
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