The Fort Atkinson Parks and Recreation Department announced earlier this month that it has released its “2023 Fall/Winter Guide.” According to information released by Parks and Recreation Director Brooke Franseen, the guide offers “an array of engaging programs and activities suitable for all ages.” Program registrations for activities within the...
Category: Government
Milton announces Fort’s Capt. Brandon Sachse as police chief finalist
The city of Milton has announced on its website that Fort Atkinson Police Department Capt. Brandon Sachse has been chosen as a finalist for the city’s position of police chief. According to information released Tuesday, the city reports: “After working with the recruitment firm, GovHR, the Police Commission proceeded with...
Fort awards Whitewater-based Sweet Spot $82,000 capital catalyst loan; company to expand in Fort
The city of Fort Atkinson has announced that it has awarded a capital catalyst revolving load to the Sweet Spot Coffee Shop, LLC. The company plans to use the funds to purchase a property located at 225 and 227 S. Main St., according to the release. The $82,000 load was...
Jefferson County ADRC announces locations of countywide senior meals, menus
The Jefferson County Nutrition Program, which is facilitated through the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Jefferson County, has announced its October senior dining menu and locations at which the meals are served. A September menu, as found on the center's website, also is included. Meals also may be reserved...
Emergency management director: September is National Preparedness Month
The Jefferson County office of Emergency Management Director Donna Haugom has announced that September is National Preparedness Month.According to information released by the office, the month offers “a great time to reflect on the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. National Preparedness Month, recognized annually, serves as a reminder...
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