Fort Atkinson city officials have announced that applications are being accepted from city residents who would like to participate in a program titled: “Fort Atkinson Local Government Academy.” According to information released by Fort Atkinson City Manager Rebecca Houseman, the program “is an informative and interactive opportunity to learn about...
Category: Government
City approves Oak Tree Child and Family Services capital catalyst loan
The Fort Atkinson Economic Development Commission has approved a capital catalyst revolving loan for Oak Tree Child and Family Services, according to information released by the city manager's office Thursday. According to the release, the purpose of the Capital Catalyst Revolving Loan Fund is to help stimulate the city’s economy. A partnership...
Eighty ‘Extraordinary Women’ attend library fundraising kickoff event
Editor's note: Irvin L. Young Memorial Library Director Stacey Lunsford has contacted Fort Atkinson Online stating that the cost of the total library project has been increased to $6 million "due to inflation." By Kim McDarison A fundraising campaign to help raise money for improvements to the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library,...
Nine residents apply to fill vacated city council seat
By Kim McDarison Fort Atkinson city officials have received nine applications from residents looking to fill a city council seat vacated in April. City council member Megan Hartwick resigned her seat after her reelection in April. Hartwick had earlier made public through a statement her intention not to run for...
Officials share proposals in advance of upcoming aquatic center subcommittee meeting
By Kim McDarison City of Whitewater and Whitewater Unified School District officials have drafted proposals for future operations of the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center, with a wide gap in terms offered between the two negotiating parties. The two proposals are anticipated to come before the Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness...
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