Community, Lifestyle

‘Light Up the Town’ project nears completion; energy-saving educational opportunities offered

The Fort Atkinson Project LEAD (Leadership Enhancement for Area Development) XXXIII class is nearing completion of its project titled: “Light Up the Town,” which focuses on installing Energy Efficient LED (Light Emitting Diode) street lights around the city.  “In addition to providing sustainability and public safety, this project will generate...

County, Lifestyle

White American pelicans return to Jefferson County

By Kim McDarison Those living around the Rock River in the Jefferson County area have reported seeing white American pelicans.  According to Ryan Brady, a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Natural Heritage Conservation Program biologist, in the southwest quadrant of the state and along the Mississippi River corridor they arrive...

Community, Lifestyle

‘No Mow May’ returns for a second year

“No Mow May,” a citywide pollinator advocacy program, will be returning to Fort Atkinson for a second year, according to an announcement released by the nonprofit group Heart of the City. The group is the facilitator of the program.  According the the release, the No Mow May program is designed...