By Kim McDarison Four School District of Fort Atkinson students, a special education teacher and an aide gathered recently at Blackhawk Fitness Center in Fort Atkinson. The students were there to learn how to make healthy life choices and feel comfortable as they embrace new experiences outside of a traditional...
Category: Lifestyle
Fort senior center fends off coronavirus blues
By Chris Spangler Contributor Right, left, step and turn, toe-heel, toe-heel. Right, left, step and turn, toe-heel, toe-heel. Quarter-touch, right-touch, back-touch, left-touch. Right-together-right, and left-together-left ... It’s Friday afternoon and three women are learning how to line dance at the Fort Atkinson Senior Center. There are a few missteps (and...
North Shore Chophouse Polar Bear Plunge team among state’s top fundraisers
By Kim McDarison Fundraising for the 2021 Wisconsin Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge closed Friday and members of the North Shore Chophouse six-member team jumped into the frigid waters of Lake Koshkonong on Sunday, Chophouse manager and plunge team captain Sarah Hausmann said. The team raised over $3,500 for Wisconsin’s...
Vern Zech is a Fort native on a social media mission
By Kim McDarison If you follow social media in Fort Atkinson, you likely know the name Vern Zech. The “admin” of two Facebook pages — “Fort Atkinson Wi.: Taking a Stroll Down Memory Lane Then And Now” and “Jefferson County Obituaries” — Zech’s posts reach some 9,200 and 4,800 group members, respectively.While...
Donations sought to honor the late John McKenzie
When Lions Club member John McKenzie, 89, lost his courageous battle to cancer on Oct. 22, 2020, Fort Atkinson and Jefferson County lost one of their most distinguished and dedicated community servants. He was a banker, bicyclist, cross-country skier, Lion and volunteer, and now his friends are raising money for a...
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