Letter to the editor: Former president Donald Trump mocks the threat posed by human-induced climate change. He once declared, “Global warming is an expensive hoax!” And Trump can find support for his views among Republican members of Congress. To counter this misinformation, I encourage reading “The Scientific Guide to Global Warming Skepticism.” It’s available online and provides an excellent...
Category: Opinion
Happy Labor Day from Fort Atkinson Online and WhitewaterWise
Editor’s note: Fort Atkinson Online and WhitewaterWise, with help from a poem, titled: “Labor Day,” by Ron “RadioRon” Stelse, wish our readers a happy Labor Day. Labor Day The auto repair man and the firemen across the street the watchful eyes of the police when they're on their daily and...
New homes are good for the economy, but consider adding habitat for pollinators
Letter to the editor: Generally speaking, most people enjoy eating and depend on it. These days, leafy greens and fruits are in particular demand. In junior high science, we all learned that it's bees mostly responsible for pollination. As a reminder, there can be a flowering squash plant but if...
Who in Wisconsin would vote for Trump?
Letter to the editor: Even before the jury of 12 regular citizens found Trump guilty in the NY fraud trial, it was clear that the guilty party lived in a world where he was able to get away with many things. And his recent rants about turning back the clock to...
Presidential Medal of Freedom ‘much better’ than Medal of Honor?
Letter to the editor:I read in the August 16 online edition of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that the Milwaukee Police Association has endorsed for President of the United State the candidate who, three days earlier, declared the Presidential Medal of Freedom to be “much better” than the Medal of Honor...
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